One More Time, Repeat After Me.
(Printed in the Towanda Daily Review on 4/30/98.)

In his letter to the editor (Review, 4/19/98), Frank Leeland wrote that our nation's "moral compass" is "based on biblical precepts which our nation's founders considered necessary for the survival of the Republic." And if you keep repeating this over and over and over and over, it is still incorrect.

Our nation's Founders were not Christians. They were deists. The god that they believed existed, of those who did believe, was the God of nature, not the God of the bible. Now keep repeating this over and over and over.

Our nation's Founders were not Christians. They were deists.
Our nation's Founders were not Christians. They were deists.
Our nation's Founders were not Christians. They were deists.
Our nation's Founders were not Christians. They were deists.
Our nation's Founders were not Christians. They were deists.
Our nation's Founders were not Christians. They were deists.
Our nation's Founders were not Christians. They were deists.
Our nation's Founders were not Christians. They were deists.
Our nation's Founders were not Christians. They were deists.
Our nation's Founders were not Christians. They were deists.
Our nation's Founders were not Christians. They were deists.
Our nation's Founders were not Christians. They were deists.

A one hour tape of the above is available for $4.99. It's still brainwashing, but at least it agrees with the facts.

John L. Ferri

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