Emil Hauser to C.E. Shell, Nov.12, 1906.
Wants his lease money.
(Berthrong Cheyenne Collection. Carlisle School Section.)

Text Copyright (c) 2004 John Sipes
(Berthrong Cheyenne Collection. Carlisle School Section.)

Letter from Dept. of the Interior, U.S. Ind. Service, Haskell Inst., 
Lawrence, Kans., Nov. 29, 1907. From Louise Hauser for her and her sister, 
Anna Hauser, to Geo. Shell, Darlington, Okla., requesting $40.00 to buy 
things for Christmas. Anna is working in the Domestic Arts and Science and 
enjoys it. Louise goes to school all day but works in the Superintendents 
office on Saturdays.(This request was approved).
Note: Simon Needham, Chippewa, husband of Anna Houser.

Copyright  (c) 2003 John Sipes

Juniors are pleased to welcome two more members to the class, Anna Houser and Florence Pennel.

September 30, 1910 ARROW

Anna Hauser, one of the new students, is now working in the laundry and seems ,well contented.

October 7, 1910 ARROW

Anna Hauser left last week for the country, where she will spend the winter.

October 28, 1910 ARROW

Anna Houser writes from Merchantsville, New Jersey, that she has a nice home and is contented.

March 3, 1911 ARROW

Many of the outing students were seen at the Penn-Indian game Saturday. Some of the girls present were Helen Pickard, Bessie Wade, Anna Hauser, and Anna Chisholm.

November 4, 1910 ARROW

Anna Hauser writes from Merchantville, New Jersey; that she and her people had a most delightful trip to New York last Monday.

January 6, 1911 ARROW

We learn through a letter that Anna Hauser, who is living at Merchantville, N. J., is getting along nicely with her school work. 

February 3, 1911 ARROW

Anna Hauser came in with her country mother on Washington’s birthday to visit her friends.

March 3, 1911 ARROW

The East Central Student Confer-
ence of the Young Women’s Chris-
tian Associations was .held from
August 21 to September 1, 1911, at
Denison University, Granville, Ohio.
Between 250 and 300 delegates were
present from academies, colleges and
universities in Pennsylvania, Dela-
ware, Maryland, West Virginia and
Ohio. The Carlisle Indian School
was represented by Misses Susie
Porterfield, Jane Butler, Anna Haus:
er, Thirza Bernell, Jeanette Pappin,
chaperoned by Miss Edith Rinker,
Secretary of the Carlisle school’s
Association. Miss Louise Brooks, a
member ‘of the National Board of
Y. W. C. A. of the United States
managed the Conference.
Denison is situated in the Ohio
hills about six miles from Newark,
and while the buildings and grounds
are beautiful, the most attractive ~__ .__~ ..~
thing about the place is the view
from the hills, where one can see
the country for many miles. Some
of our girls roomed at the top of one
of these hills, in Marsh Hall; but in
-spiteof the lovely scenery that posi-
tion had its disadvantages, for they
had to swim down to breakfast each
morning, as the rain poured steadily
for the first week.
The purpose of the Conference
was Bible and Mission Study, under
the supervision of most efficient in- ~- ~~__
structors. Classes in these studies
were held in the mornings, the girls
being allowed a choice of helpful
subjects along both lines.
The afternoons were devoted to
recreation, witli the exception of a
quiet hour intended for study or
other personal use. Miss Anna
Hauser was the Carlisle member on
the recreation committee, and helped
to plan the fun. One afternoon was
devotedto r‘%ollege -Day-‘$-or+ which
occasion each delegation had an op-
@portunity to do a “stunt” represen-
tative of its own college. Carlisle
did an Indian dance, and Miss Jean-
ette Pappin sang an Indian song,
after which they sang together
“Alma Mater”. The Denison bas-
ketball team challenged a team pick-
ed from the other colleges repre-
sented to play a game of basketball.
Miss Jane Butler played on the Con-
ference team and scored nine points,
thereby placing the victory in the
hands of the Conference team. In
the evenings, general conference
was held, at which very fine speak-
ers addressed the meetings.
This Conference was a great help
and inspiration to the girls. Not,
only are those who conducted the
classes and the work in general ex-
pert and well-informed instructors,
but consecrated Christian men and
women, who are whole-heartedly
interested in young women. All the
delegates had an opportunity to talk
personally with these leaders and
become acquainted with them.
Everywhere was the atmosphere of
helpfulness and blessing. Girls are
accustomed to talking after their re-
turn from this conference about the
Granville spirit, but let them rather
speak of it as the spirit of Jesus

_ Indian Y. W. C. A. Delepates.
What was the meaning of all those
“Good-byes,” “Write to me” and
“Send me a ,postal” that we heard
tie wm~ Monday-nigh-
about eight o’clock?, That was our
Y. W. C. A.‘ delegates departing for
the ten days’ Summer Conference
held at Granvilte, Ohio. The follow-
ing girls were chaperoned by Miss
Edith Rinker, the Y. W. C. A. sec-
retary: Lillian Porterfield, Janette
Papin, Anna Hauser, Susie Porter,
Thirza Bernell and Jane Butler. We
know these girls will bring back an
inspiration from the Conference that
wllf have a h%%%%gmfluen& on their
own lives and ‘also’ a --telling effect
on our Y. W. C. A. here at Carlisle.

The Juniors elected the following
Class officers for the coming term:
President, Abram Colonhaski; vice-
president, Mary Harris; secretary,
Anna Hauser; treasurer, John Goslin;
reporter, Sylvia Moon; critic, Mont-
reville Y u d a; sergeant-at-arms,
Sylvester Long.

September 15, 1911 ARROW

School City Organized at Carlisle.
In the auditorium last Monday, Dr.
” Gill explained in detail the duties
of “citizenship,“and the code of laws
by w,hich a model government may be
successfully. carried on. The Golden
Rule is the underlying principle,
and the others are modifications
of it which are to be lived and
acted out in everyday life. Dr.
Gill cited examples where these
ideas are being successfully carried
on to the great benefit of every one
concerned. An election of officers
resulted as follows: Governor of the
forenoon division, G u-s -w e 1 c h;
lieutenant-governor, Sylvester Long;
secretary of state, Iva Miller; chief
-justice, manna Hauser. Of the
afternoon division : Governor, Nan
Saunooke; lieutenant-governor, JoeI
Wheelock; chief justice, Eloy_ Sousa;
secretary of state, Anna Roulette.

September 29, 1911 ARROW

Thk MeroeC Literary Sooiety.
The Mercers held their fir& meet-
ing of the school year last Friday
evening. The house was called to
order by Ernestine Venne, president.
There was a full attendance and a
good, lively spirit was shown. An
election of officers resulted as follows:
President, Nan Saunooke; vice-presi-
dent, Emma Newashe; recording
secretary, Lida Wheelock; corres-
ponding secretary, Anna Hauser;
treasurer, Susie Porter; marshal,
Phenia Anderson; critic, Lillian
Porterfield; reporter, Thirza Bernell.
A voluntary program was render-
ed which consisted of the Society
song, Mercers; piano solo, Mary
Pleets. song and guitar solo, Lillian
Walker; vocal solo, Ernestine Venne;
vocal solo, Thirza Bernell; vocal solo,
er the usual pariiamentary proceed-
ings, an election was held and the ^
following officers chosen: President,
Ella Johnson; vice-president, Iva M.
Miller; recording secretary, Delia
La Fernier; corresponding secretary,
Margaret Burgess; treasurer, Pearl
Bonser; reporter, Marie Lewis; crit-
ic, Dollie Stone; marshall, Lucy
Lane; program committee, Inez
Brown, Anna Chisholm, and Myrtle
Chilsoli. While the tellers were
counting the votes a very interest-
ing voluntary program was given -as
follows: Pisno solo, Margaret Chil-
son; recitation, Iva Miller; vocal
trio, Misses Margaret, Myrtle and
Marie Chilson; recitation, Bessie
Wagner. The visitors present were,
Mrs. Foster, Miss Emery, and Mrs.
Gill and her daughters, Misses Alice
and Constance, and Miss Inez Whit-
Agnes Waite.
Miss McDowell and Mrs. Foster
were the official visitors. Other visi-
tors were”Misses Burns and Emery.
Miss McDowell, Miss Burns and
-t~n~w~~lectZd pr’esident, 2&n
Saunooke, each made dhort address-
es, after which the critic gave her
report and the house adjourned.

October 13, 1911 ARROW

Indian girls Help Their Team Win.
Boston American : Eighteen Indian
maids formed the most picturesque
feature at the Harvard-Carlisle foot-
ball game on the Stadium gridiron
this afternoon.
sister to the Indians’ left tackle.
And Anna Hauser, another girl at
the .school, is sister of “Pete”
Hauser; the former Carlisle captain.
And a trip to Boston and .the game
would be such a tremelldous event.
All these things were talked over by
the girls as far back as ‘last summer
Result-the girls did extra work
at their reservation homes during the
vacation. They saved every cent
they could earn. They saved enough,
at least eighteen of them did, that
they were able to make the trip to

November 24, 1911 ARROW

Last Friday evening the. Mercers
gave a voluntary program as follows:
Song, Mercers; piano solo, Agnes
Bartholomeau; recitation, Thirza
‘-Berkeley talk on the Columbus Con-~
vention, Nora McFarland; piano solo,
Elizabeth George; recitation, Lida
Wheelock; anecdotes, Anna Hauser.
The debate was postponed. Miss
Hagan was the official visitor.
The afternoon division of the
‘Senior .Class.visited the High School : --
in. town i&t Wedn.esday afternoon;
they had the .pleasure of meeting
the teacher of English, Mrs. Keets,
and also of hearing some of her
pupils recite. We are greatly obliged
to Mrs. Keets for courtesies extend-
ed, and Mr. Martin, who very kindly
escorted us to different departments.
Last week some of the senior boys
had the opportunity of seeing, while
attending Court in town, some of the
old record books of Cumberland
County. The records date as far
back as 1750, or during the reign of
George II. These records are some-
what faded.. As an example of. neat-
ness and painstaking work, an old
book, written by a man when in his
sixty-fifth year, was shown us. It
was without a blot. -

December 1, 1911 ARROW

The Mercer-Standard reception
was agreat success; the gymnasium
was beautifully decorated., the music
was good, and every one seemed to
have a good time. The prize winners i_~-__ were Ernestme V enne and J ohniF%Y,‘~~
Ivy Metoxen and Montreville Yuda,
Cora Bresette and Hugh Wheelock,
Anna Hauser and Simon Needham.
From Sha.wnee, Oklahoma, comes
a card from Peter Gaddy wishing all
a “Happy New .Ye&”

Indian maidens ‘are espousing the
cause of suffrage. In the model
republic which has been- set’up .at
Carlisle, Pa,., the suffragette plays
a very important part. She is both
popular and influential. All offices
are open to her and already she sits
in high places and the young braves
submit obediently to her authority.
Taking part in the government af-
fairs are Miss Nan Saunooke, chief
justice of the supreme court; Miss
Anna Hauser, secretary of the treas-
ury, and Miss Agnes Waite, secre-
tary of state. In another branch,
the senior state government, Miss
Clara Melton is the chief justice and
Miss Cora Bresette is a justice of the
national supreme court.
The Indian girls will be well pre-
pared to take uy civic duties when
they leave school and take their part -
priate duties and titles for those
whom they elect, and to perform the
duties of citizens and of officers.
~Students deal with all manner dlf
disorders, such as figh-ting, cigarette
smoking, bad language, uncleanli:
n.ess, intoxication, and with -con- ’
stu+,ive,matters, such as coeperating
with the police, health, street clean-
ing, parks, playgrounds and other
departments. i
Each classroom is a city, with its
mayor, president of council, judge,
clerk and sheriff. Twelve class-
rooms form a senior state and a like
number of classrooms a junior state.
All together comprise a republic,
with president and cabinet and su-
preme court.
The Indians are grasping a knowll
edge of the democratic form of
Government with surprising readi-
ness, and since the inaguration of
the system. several trials have been
large of Indian schools. Carlisle is
Inr;necivi-cfworfd;-%%5i%Xhi?~ff rage
~_~ ~
_& looming w_iih such importance.
the first to establish the system, but
it is to be followed by the other
The school republic was instituted
schools in the country. ‘-
by Wilson L. Gill, president of the
The chief object is to erase from
memory and tradition the anqient
custom of might in tribal governrhent
Patriotic League, and supervisor-at-
and the theories accepted by the red
en, chier~ to,
chief and council to council. By
directing a model republic, composed
of two states and two dozen cities,
they will be able the better to grasp
the idea of democratic self-govern-
held with satisfactory results. An
this fall, has been kept busy adjust-
I&iZ~ would rathei- be humiliated
ing the affairs of government. His
secretary of agriculture is Alexander
by zany one else. than by one -of-his
Arcasa, ,another football star. Syl-
vester Long is vice president, and
own race.
Abram Colonhaski is secretary of
war. -New York Herald.
As president of the republic, Gus- ~~
tave. Welch, who has been playing

January 5, 1912 ARROW

On this Arbor Day, we plant the
Red Oak, which signifies endurance
and strength. Success will be ours
if -we-but live up to our motto-and
our colors, and thereby, like our tree,
be able to withstand, bravely, every
trial in life.
Anna Hauser.

May 3, 1912 ARROW

The Mercers elected officers as
follows: President, Lida Wheelock;
vice president, Helen _Johnson; car-_-
responding%ecretary, Sadie Ingalls;
recording secretary, Anna Hauser;
treasurer, Anna Roulette; marshal,
Carrie Dunbar; critic, Sylvia Moon;
reporter, Lillian Simons. The Sol-
lowing committees were appointed:
Program, EstellaBradley, Leila Wa-,.
terman, and-‘-Mary Greene; question,
Clemence LaTraille, .Cecelia Swamp,
and Katie May. ’

October 11, 1912 ARROW

The Mercers elected the following
officers: President, Anna Hauser;
vice president, Rose Whipper; re-
-- - cordi-ng- secre-&tryT- Anna--Reulette;
corresponding secretary, Anna Rose;
treasurer, Flora Peters; reporter,
Katie May; critic, Lida Wheelock.;
marshal, Eleanor Hawk.
The program: Song, Mercers; reci-
tation,~~MiX~e~-~iano ~- solo,
Agnes Bartholomeau; vocal s o 1 o,
Jane Katchenago; pen picture, Laura
Merrival; essay, Beulah Logan; song,
Eleanor Hawk. The official visitor
was Mr. Meyer.

January 10, 1913 ARROW

ANNA HAUSER. Cheyenne.
Once upon a time an Indian started
on a long journey, and as was the GUS-
tom in those days he walked. The
only thing which he carried was a
large buffalo robe: It was very hot,
as it was in midsummer when he start-
ed on his journey.
As he was nearing a river bank he
siw a fox sitting there. When he
reached the river he began to talk to
the fox for quite a while; and then he
again stai-ted on his journey.
When he was quite a distance from
the r_iver -he--came-tom-a--large -rock,-----J. e tin-et te-P~C~t-~l~-o;-Cl-~~~~~i~~~ng I
and he began to talk to the rock..
The riys of the sun were beating on
the rock and the Indian thought he
would give the robe to the rock as a
present to protect it from the scorch-
ing rays of the jsummer- %iii-- XI?
gave the robe to the rock and he
again resumed his journey.
He had not gone very far from the
rock when he again met the same fox
and began talking to him. In the
distance could be seen black, heavy
&uds an_d~ he knew that there~ was
going to be a severe storm. He
wished for his robe to protect him
from the storm and he finally made up
his mind to take it back from the rock.
He told the fox ‘to go after it and
the fox did so. The rock was very
unwilling to give up the present given
to him by the Indian. The fox took
the robe in spite of the rock’s
protests and to&it to the &&an.
The Indian could gee off in the dis-
tance that something black was com-
ing. He thought it was a cloud and
did not hurry but took his time.
The next time he looked back he
saw that it was the rock which was
following him. He looked around for
a hiding place and saw a cave where
the fox lived. He ran into the hole,
but it was too late as the rock had seen
him. The rock rolled up to the mouth
of the cave and the man was. suffo- _- z ~ i
This should teach us a lesson that
whatever we give away we should
not take back and be “an Indian
giver,” as they say. .,

February 7, 1913 ARROW

The Williamsp?rt Y. W. C. A. Council.
On Friday the 14th, Mrs. Myers, .~ -- -___
Anna Hauser. Sadie Ingalls, Myrtle
Thomas, and Rose Whipper left for __
Williamsport, Pa., to attend a Y. W.
C. A. council which w.as being held
there. 5
Mrs. Myers, Anna Hauser, and Sa- _ 5
die Ihgalls were entertained at the
beautiful. home of.&>. H.. A.._&&_,
and Myrtle Thomas and Rose Whipper
were entertained at the Association

February 21, 1913 ARROW

dent Y. W. C. A. council, held at
Williamsport, February .14-16, were
given Sunday evening at the regular
meeting of the Y. W. C. A., by the
girls who represented our Associa-
tion. Anna Hauser gave a review
of the council as a whole, and told of
the camp-fire demonstration held on
Saturday evening. .R o s e Whipper
described the afternoon spent at
Dickinson Semi lary, where the dele-
gates were entertained, and Myrtle
Thomas and Sadid\\Ingalls reported
briefly rrom their note books some
of the addrepes given at the con-

February 28, 1913 ARROW

The Indian’s Gift.
A N N A HAUSER, Chycnnr.
NCE upon a time an Indian started on a long jour-ney,
and as was the custom in those days he walked,
The only thing which he carried was a large buf-falo
robe. It was very hot, as it was in midsummer
when he started on his journey.
As he was nearing a river bank he saw a fox sit-ting
there. When he reached the river he began to talk to the fox
for quite a while, and then he again started on his journey.
When he was quite a distance from the river he came to a large
rock, and he began to talk to the rock. The rays of the sun were
beating on the rock and the Indian thought he would give the robe
to the rock as a present to protect it from the scorching rays of the
summer sun. He gave the robe to the rock and he again resumed
his journey.
He had not gone very far from the rock when he again met the
same fox and began talking to him. In the distance could be seen
black, heavy clouds and he knew that there was going to be a severe
storm. He wished for his robe to protect him from the storm and
he finally made up his mind to take it back from the rock.
He told the fox to go after it and the fox did so. The rock
was very unwilling to give up the present given to him by the In-dian.
The fox took the robe in spite of the rock’s protests and
carried it to the Indian.
The Indian could see off in the distance that something black
was coming. He thought it was a cloud and did not hurry but
took his time.
The next time he looked back he saw that it was the rock which
was following him. He looked around for a hiding place and saw
a cave where the fox lived. He ran into the hole, but it was too
late as the rock had seen him. The rock rolled up to the mouth
of the cave and the man was suffocated.
This should teach us a lesson that whatever we give away we
should not take back and be “an Indian giver,” as they say.

February 1913 RED MAN 

Elected Indian Fair Committee for Feb. 12th, 1913, for the Calumet District Cheyennes are Herbert Walker and Joe Miguel. Alternatives are Howling Hawk and Victor Bushy Head.
Signatures of Cheyennes are: Little Chief, (his mark); Man on the Cloud or Riding on Cloud, (nephew of Man on Cloud from the Watonga District), (his mark); High Chief; Frank Hill; Robert White Eye, ( his mark); Mack Haag; Hugh Antelope; Doc Hill; and C.M. Wicks.
Kingfisher District Cheyennes are Buffalo Meat and Joe Yellow Eyes.
Alternatives are Andrew Tasso and Max Van Horn.
Signatures are Albert Red Nose; Sampson Kelly; Clark Starr; Raymond Buffalo Meat; Philip Cook; Sampson Lame Bull; Harry Hauser; Sioux Left Hand, (his mark); Medicine Bear, (his mark); Sore Head, (his mark); Stump Horn; Clark Starr; Orin Turtle; and John W. Block.

Text Copyright (c) 2005 John Sipe Collection, Sipe Cheyenne Collection, Indian Fairs Section.

‘The Y. W. C. A. . .
Interesting and instructive talks on
“The Ten Commandments in Daily
Life,” were given by the members
of the Y. W. C. A. last Sunday even-
The meeting was led by Rose Snow,
who spoke on the first and second
Comm~andments, - treatinmgm of--‘4true
worship. ” Rose Lyons took the
the third, speaking of the “habit of
profanity and the use of slang.”
Ella Fox, Stella Bradley, Jennie Ross
and, Anna Hauser each gave some
practical thoughts on the other Com-
IMrs. Meyer reviewed- an address
on this subject given at the State
Conference.of the Y. We. C. A. She
compared the Commandments with
the Beatitudes, and her -application
of the teaching to our every day lives
was most helpful.
Leila Waterman sang one of the
girls’ favorite hymns.

March 7, 1913 ARROW

Association Meeting Led by Seniors.
The members of the Seniqr Class
had charge of the Union Meeting of
the Y. M. and Y. W. C. A. last Sun-
day evening. Fred Sickles was the
leader, the Bible was read by Sylvia
Moon, and a prayer offered by Wil-
liam Garlow. Harrison Smith spoke
on the testing of life which results
in character; Ann a Hauser gave
soine reeollqctions of Y. W. C. A.
work, and Peter Eastman spoke of
the value and influence of the Asso-
ciation here in school. i‘hen fol-
~~~~lowed a beautiful solo, “Calvary,”
by Leila Waterman. Cora Elm gave
some thoughts on the 121st Psalm-
called the “Threshold Psalm”-and
Francis Eastman told of religious
work among the Dakota Indians. A
poem called “A Soli.tary Way,” was
read by Lida Wheelock, and Leila
Waterman and Estella Bradley. sang
as a duet the hymn “That Beautiful,
Land. ” William Garlow gave an
impressive talk on “Obedience, ”
which he said-was the foundation of
all strength and virtue.
At the close the leader called on
Mr. Friedman, and he responded
with a brief address to the members
of the Senior Class which showed his
deep interest in their future success
and welfare, ‘and which contained
many helpful thoughts to be
remembered. _

Anna Hauser, Thamar Dupuis, an’d
Lida Wheelock w‘e r e the dinner
guests of Miss Lewis at the Teacher’s
Club last Sunday.

March 28, 1913 ARROW

March--lndepewdtmce _____________________ _ ________ Band
Invocation ____________ Rev. Geo. D. Gossard, D. D.
(President of Lebanon Valley College,
Annville, Pa.1
Salutatory .._..._.._.______.._.............. Anna Hauser
Overture-Light Cavalrz/.: Band
Descriptive Talk-Farming at School and
at Home __._...._____ _ _____ _ .________ Peter Eastman
Se1ection’Ezcerpt.s from Operas . . ..__....___
________ Chorus and Band
Demonstration and Talk - Sanitation in
Indian Homes ___________ _ _____ Francis Pambrun
A Twilight Meditation--After Vespers.....
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .._...................... Mandolin Club
Descriptive Talk-&wing...Lida 0. Wheelock
Violin Solo--The Son of the Puszta (Keler-
Bela) _______.._ _.____._ . . . .._._ __.__ ..___ Fred Cm-din
Demonstration and Talk-Home Building .
_____... Joseph H. Broker
Song-On with Carltile ______... School and Band
Address and Presentation of Diplomas...... ~. __..____ Hon. F. H. Abbott
’ (Acting Commissioner of Indian Affairs)
Humoresque (with Harp Obligate) _________ Band
Remarks and Announcements.
Hymn-America . .._____________.......... Audience
Benediction __._........... Rev. H. B. Stock, D. D.
(Pastor, St. Paul’s Luthern Church,.Carlisle)

April 18, 1913 ARROW

H.B Peiars, Chief Supervisor of Education, Haskell, Lawrence, Kansas, to Leo Bonnin, Supt. at Cheyenne and Arapaho Agency, May 15, 1923.
Letter requesting info.on how many students that completed 8 grades or more in Government Indian Schools and their success or failures since they left school in the government or public working areas of employment. Supt. Bonnin stated- From Carlisle Indian school: Benajh Miles, born 1867, Arapaho, 1/2 blood, farmer, Calument, Okla.; Emily Kaney, born 1878, Cheyenne, 1/2 blood, housewife, Ark. City, Kan.; Henry Row of Lodges, born 1879, Arapaho, full blood, farmer, Greenfield, Okla.; Lydia La Mere, born 1881, Arapaho, full blood, housewife, Walthill, Neb.; Emil Hauser, born 1883, Cheyenne, 1/2 blood, nightwatch, Salem Ind. School, Chemawa, Ore.; George Balenti, born 1884, Cheyenne, 1/4 blood, with highway, State of Okla., Okla. City, Okla.; Kish Hawkins, born 1878, Cheyenne, full blood, U.S. Indian Police, Concho, Okla.; Michael Balenti, born 1886, Cheyenne, 1/4 blood, Professional Baseball, Sioux City, Iowa; Julia Prentiss, born 1879, Cheyenne, 3/4 blood, housewife, Calument, Okla.; Peter Hauser, born 1886, Cheyenne, 1/2 blood, Umpire, profess. baseball, McAllister, Okla.; George Frass, born 1879, Cheyenne, 1/2 blood, farmer, Calument, Okla.; Fred Roundstone, born 1886, Cheyenne, full blood, farmer and stockman, Lame Deer, 
Montana; John Balenti, born 1890, Cheyenne, 1/4 blood, (no occupation given); Rosa Seneca, born 1883, Cheyenne, 1/2 blood, housewife, Ark. City, Kan.; Nina C. Gabaldon, born 1884, Cheyenne, full blood, housewife, Wichita, Kan.

Text Copyright (c) 2003 Berthrong Coll. Cheyenne and Arapaho Schools.

10326/1934/Chey. & Arap./313.
Mrs. Anna Houser Nedham to John E. Collier, Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Fort Hall, Idaho, Feb. 24, 1934.
I have been very interested in your program for the Indians in regard to their land or allotments and I feel that it would be a fine thing if these Indians were given another chance.
Most of us who have sold our original allotments now see that it was a very unwise thing to do, as most of us are really without means of support and do not have any homes we can call our own. I am speaking from my own experience and I feel if I was ever given a chance to move on a farm, I would do things a different way, as I am older and have learned from experience, "which is the best teacher."
In the year 1918, I sold my 160 acres for a mere song as I had borrowed on it before I was given the deed. I was just in my twenties and should have not been given my deed as I was approached numerous times and offered money for a loan on this allotment. I sold my land on this allotment. I sold my land as many boys and girls did at that time. I had no advisor as my parents died when I was less than five years old, and really have been quite alone. Most of our inherited property was sold just about the time I was five or six years of age and I understood it was sold through the Agent of our reservation.
I was sent away to Haskell in 1898 and returned to my reservation in 1913, not knowing I had a good allotment until that time.
This allotment was on the Cheyenne and Arapaho Reservation in Oklahoma and located about two miles from a good railroad town, the town of El Reno, Oklahoma.
I am not blaming anyone, but have wondered so many times, why my Superintendent did not hold my deed until I was married or older.
When I went away to school I had to learn the English language and all the customs of the white race and feel that I have done well. My only mistake being in the sale of my allotment.
Trusting these few facts will be of some help to you in your new program.

Text Copyright (c) 2004 Sipes/Berthrong Cheyenne and Arapaho Collections. Land Allotment Files.

Note: As late as 1926 patents in fee simple were being denied because of lack of education and general business abilities.
Many of the applicants were unable to speak or write English. Where land could be disposed of under supervision it was recommended the land be sold by the Agent and Commisioner of Indian Affairs.
Most of the land belonged to the elderly, orphans and those Indians considered incompetent by the arbitrary decision of both the Agent and Commissioner of Indian Affairs.
The S.P. Needhams, 1700 New Jersey Ave., Kansas City 2, Kansas.
( This letter has no date).
Mr. Eben Kingsley, Concho, Okla.
Dear Friend Kingsley,
How are you these fine Spring days? I am looking over the American from El Reno, we found the enclosed clipping. We have written about these notices to various attorneys but they say they mean nothing. I am going to get your opinion as to the notices. Why do they keep putting them in the paper and when we do write they say they mean nothing. China Woman and Broken Cup were my grandparents and their land was sold years ago and I am now 56 years of age.
Please Mr. kingsley write and tell us if these notices mean anything as this is about the seventh notice within a short time. Tell me all you can as we were so very young when they were sold. I will sure remember you when I get my Black Hills gold.
Regards to Elsie and the Mrs. /S/ Anna Hauser Needham.
(Amy Hauser is the mother of Anna Hauser Needham)
This letter is in reference to the Black Hills Claim for the gold taken without just compensation to the Cheyenne Tribe. See Black Hills Claim on the Carlisle Indian School Ft. Marion POW web page.

Text Copyright (c) 2005 Sipes/Berthrong Cheyenne Collections. Black Hills Claim.