Sep 24, 1909

The following new apprentices are
now a part of the printing depart-
ment: Sylvester C. Long, Cherokee;
Roy Red Eagle, Quapaw; Wendell
Allison, Piegan; Joseph Animikwan,
Chippewa; Seneca Cook, Onondaga;
Frank Dibow, Mohawk; George Vad- _
ernack, Chippewa; Lonnie Hereford,
Shoshone; Lewis Runnels, -San Poil.
They are all trying hard to feel at
home among the regular force.
Nov 12, 1909

Good Inviaclbls MeetiaQ.
The Invincibles met at the usual
hour last Friday evening with the
new president, James Mumblehead,
in the &hair. Joseph Jocks, Roy Red-
eagle and Sylvester Long signed the
constitution. The program wasgiv-
en as follows: Declamation, Silas
Yellow Boy; essay, Louis Webster;
extemporaneous speeches, Peter
Thomas and James O’Brien; select
reading, Joseph Johnson; vocal solo,
Thomas Maiyo. The question for de-
bate read thus: "Resolved, That the
Panama Canal is a more beneficial
proposition than the Gunnison Tun-
nel." The affirmative speakers were
Robert Tahomet and Lafe Allison;
negative, Lewis George and Mitchell
LaFleur. Louis George being absent
Joseph -Loudbear volunteered. The
judges were Fred Cornelius, John
Runsclose and Moses Friday. They
decided for the negative. The ofllc-
ial visitors were Professor Whitwell
and Mr. Denny.
Nov 26, 1909

Invincible Hall was gayly decorated
last Friday evening to dohonor to the
guests who were invited to hear a
special program. Those who took
part were Thomas Myiow, Sylvester
Long, H&$y’ Bl‘at&hi’fbrd;‘Sa~k: JS&$
son, and Henry Vincent. The ques-
tion debated was; "Resolved, That
the annuities of the Indians from the
Federal government should be discon-
tinued."  Affirmative, Alfred De-
Grasse . an Joseph Loudbear; Neg-
ative, Charles Kennedy and Joseph
Poodry. The judges awarded the
victory to the negative side, The *
advisory members were present and
each gave good advice, after which
the meeting adjourned.
Dec 17, 1909

In answer to several inquiries THE
ARROW is pleased to:publisb the fol-
lowing,list of apprentices who do all
the printing of the school and the
work in connection .with the printing
and mailing of THE ARROW and The
Indian Craftsman. Outside this list
of bonafide students there is no one
connected with this department ex-
cepting the instructor of printing
and the young lady who has charge
of the business ofhce.
James Campbeli, Sioux.
.Fred Cornelius, Oneida.
Edward Eaglebear, Sioux.
William Ettawageshik;’ Ottawa.
Mike Gordon, Chippewal
Lonnie Hereford, Shoshoni.
Charles Kennedy, Onondaga.
joy Large, Shoshoni.
Sylvester Long, Cherokee.
Edgar Moore, Pawnee.
Fred Pappan; Pawnee.
,Guy Plenty Horse, Sioux.
Charles Ross, Wichita.
Joseph Animikwan,‘Chippewa.
Frank Dibow, Mohawk.
Joseph Jocks, Mohawk.
Frank Lone Star, Chipprwa.
James Lyon, Onondaga.
- David Solomon, Mohawk.
Ira Spring, Seneca.
Victor Skye, Seneca.
John Doud, Chippewa.
John Goslin, Chippewa.
Ramond Hitchcock, Hoopa.
Aaron Minthorn, Cayuse.
James Mumblehead, Cherokee,
James Pawnee Leggins, Sioux.
Joseph Porter, Navajo.
Lewis Runnels, San Pail.
John Runs Close, Sioux. ’
Harrison Smith, Oneida.
Jefferson Smith, Grosventre. e
Samuel, Wilson, Caddo.
Joel Wheelock, Oneida.
David White, Mohawk.
Wendell Allison, Piegan.
~ William Bishop, Cayuga.
Senneca Cook, Onondaga.
Delancey Davis, Chippewa.
Jack Jackson, Cherokee.
Charles McDonald, Chippewa.
Montreville Yuda, Oneida.
Margaret Blackwood, Chippewa.
Fannie Keokuk, Sac & Fox.
Feburary 1910 REDMAN

N this issue of THE RED MAN we
publish a halftone cut from a
photograph of the class in printing
at this school for the present term.
These boys do all the work on this
publication, that of The CarliJ-le Ar-
row, execute a great deal of work for
the Indian Office at Washington, su-
perintendents in the field, and all that
required for use in connection with
the maintenance of this institution.
We herewith print the names and
tribes of this class:
(From left to right.)
1. Ira Spring, Seneca; 2. Victor Skye,
Seneca; 3. Snmuel Wileon, Cnddo; 4. Joseph
Animikwan, Chippewa; 5. Charles Ken-
nedy, Onondaga; 6. Mr. Miller, Instructor;
7. James Mumblehead, Cherokee; 8. Joseph
Jocks, Mohawk; 9. David White, Mohawk;
10. Fred Pappan, Pnwnee; 11. Aaron
Minthom, Cnyuse.
1. Frank Dibow, Mohawk; 2. Delancey
Davis, Chippewa; 3. Fred Cornelius,
Oneida; 4. Wendell Allison, Piegan; 5. Jack
Jackson, Cherokee; 6. John Goslin, Chippe-
wn; 7. Harrison Smith, Oneida; 8. !ose
Porter, Navaho; 9. James Pawnee LeggIns,
Sioux; 10. Raymond Hitchcock, Hoopa;
11. Montreville Yudn, Oneida.
1. Edwnrd Eagle Bear, Sioux; 2. Seneca
Cook, Onondaga; 3. Lonnie Hereford,
Shoshoni; 4. Charles McDonald, Chippewa;
5. James Lyon, Onondaga; 6. William Etta-
wageshik, Ottawa; 7. Sylvester Long, ,Cher-
okee; 8. Roy Large, Shoshoni; 9. Wllllam
Bishop, Cnyuga.
1. John Doud, Chippewa; 2.
Close, Sioux;
3. Joel Wheeloc , t
4. David Solomon, Mohawk; 5. Jefferson
Smith, Gros Ventre; 6. Mike Gordon, Chip-
pewa; 7. Lewis Runnels, San Pail; 8. James
Campbell, Sioux; 9. Guy Plenty Horse,
Edmr Moore, Pawnee; Frank Lone Star,
Chippewa; Charles Ross, Wichita.
Oct 7, 1910 ARROW

"The Tragedy of Getting Square"
was the title of the fine recitation
given by, Sylvester Long in the
auditorium last Monday afternoon.
Sylvester represented the Freshman
class, but he has since been promoted .- to the Sophomore class.
Oct 28, 1910 ARROW

Sylvester Long, a member of the
-*Eastern Cherokee tribe, is making
very good progress in music and
in his academic work _alsa,_Sylves-
ter is interested in everything he
does and he knows how to apply
The Invincibles elected and install-
ed the following officers last Friday
evening: President Edison Mt. Pleas-
ant; Vice-President, Sylvester Long:
recording secretary, William Bishop;
corresponding secretary, Frank Lone
Star; treasurer, Alfred Degrasse;
reporter, William Owl; sergeant-at-
arms, Robert Tahamont; assistant
sergeant-at-arms, Jack Jackson.
We were fortunate in having with
us Saturday night a fine quartette
of entertainers, known as theStroll-
ers. These young men are all of
pleasing personality and very versa-
tile, and every number of their var-
ied program was received with rounds
of applause and great appreciation
by the audience. We hope they will
visit us again.
Nov 4, 1910 ARROW

A very spirited meeting was held ,
by the Invincible society Friday eve-
ning. The program was well carried
out by Sylvester Long, Jack Jackson,
Moses Friday, Thomas Old Man and
James Mumblehead. After the mis- J
cellaneous business, a challenge de-
bate was held. Moses Friday, af-
firmative, and Josepn Loud Bear,
negative, the question under discus-
sion: Resolved "That country life is
-better than city life." The affirm- -
ative won. The official visitors were
Mr. Whitwell and Miss Reichel.
Nov 11, 1910

Among the interesting legends
of the Cherokee is the one concern-
ing the naming of children after
animals and birds.
Long ago, when all Indians belong-
ed to one great family, the children
were not namtld until they were old
enough to kill a certain number of the
animals afterwhich they wished to be
named. The larger and fiercer the
animal or bird, the more sought
was its name. Thus the bear, wolf,
eagle, and hawk were considered
very good names, and those possess-
ing these names were supposed to be
endowed with great skill and prowess
as hunters and warriors.
During this period there lived a
young chief, Eg-wah Wi-yuh, whose
greatest ambition was to be the fath-
er of a brave son-brave enough to
earn the n_ame of some fierce animal.
At the birth of his first child he was
greatly disappointed to find that he
was born blind. So grieved was he
over his afflicted son that for five
days he neither tite nor drank any-
thinT; neither did he allow anyone
to enter his tepee. On the fifth
night he fell into unconciousness, and
while in this condition a large bird
. entered his tepee and carried him
away. He awoke to find himself
sailing through the air on the back
of a large bird. He had not been
awake lony before he discovered
thnt they were traveling toward the
mo?,n, which already appeared many
times larger than he had before seen
it. On reachin? the moon he was
sjlrprisezl t3 discover that instead of
being the planet which he thought
it tq bn, it ~13 in reality a large
openin,g in a thick black crust. Af-
ter passing through the moon he saw,
on the other side, men walking
around with large holes in their
heads instead of eyes. On Fegain-
ing his faculties h? asked the bird
what all of this meant and where he
was being carried? He was told
that he had died and his spirit was
being carried to Guh-luh-lau-eeh-
Happy Hunting Grounds-to be judg-
ed and sent back to the place they
had just passed. The bird, on being
further questioned, explained that
this place was built by the Great
Spirit and intended for the spirits of
animals and birds, but owing to the
cruel custom of killing animals for
their names, the Great Spirit had
sent a curse upon the Indians, He
had given -the animals the real Happy
Hunting Grounds and haddriven the
spirits of the Indians to the place
which they had just passed, to have
their eyes eaten out by the birds,
and tormented by the animals they
had wantonly killed on earth for
the sake of assuming their titles.
He was further informed that they
were on the way to Guh-luh-lau-eeh,
the real Happy~ Hunting Grounds,
where -the great chiefof the animals
and birds duzelt, which was~~reaehed
by passing through the sun.
The moon, he said, was for the
wicked spirits of the Indians to pass
through during the night, and the
sun for the spirits of the animals to
pass through during the day. The
Great Spirit covered the earth with
the black sheet long enough for the
evil spirits to pass into their torment,
and the white one long enough for
the spirits of the animals and birds
to pass into Guh-luh-lau-eeh, there-
by producing day and night.
On passing through the sun he
was amazed at the beauty of the
place. He was carried to the large
wigwam of the Great Chief of ani-
mal and bird kingdom. On discover-
ing that his subject was not -dead,
but had merely fallen into a stupor,
from which he had already recover-
ed, he was greatly annoyed and or-
dered the bird to carry Egwah Wi-
yuh to the fiercest animals of thr
kingdom to be devoured and his
spirit sent to the land of evil spirits
to be tormented by the animals and
birds. Wi-yuh asked if there was
anything the could do to save himself.
The Great Chief told him yes, there
was one thing he could do to save him-
self, and that was to go back to the
earth and abolish the custom of
slaying innocent animals, and, birds
for their names. He told Wi-yuh
that if he accomplished this one task
he would make him the ruler of the
animal and bird kingdom, and would
give back to the spirits of the Indi-
ans, Guh-luh-lau-eeh, and allow them
to ‘hunt as much as they wanted
among all the animals and birds in
that kingdom. He promised that if
the young chief would name his
blind child after the first animal or
bird he would see on looking from
his tepee the next morning after
returning to hfs home,-instead of
adhering to the old custom, and there-
by set an exatiple for the other
Indians to follow, he would cause thr
child to gam its kyesight.
On.returning to the earth .Wi-yuh
told his people all that had happened
and they di& not believe him, but the
next morning when he named his
child for the first animal he saw
when he looked from his tepee, his
son instantly gained his eyesight.
Every one now believed him, and
from that day to within recent years,
the Indians have named their child-
ren after the first object they saw on
looking from their tepees when a
child was born.
The following day Wi-yuh dis-
appeared to G.u-luh-lau-eeh.

Sylvester Long, of the printing
department, has started to work with
the Cornman Printing Company in
Owing to the absence of a large
number of Invincibles the meeting
was shorter than usual. The program
was short, but very good. The
question debated was: Resolved,
"That the-government should con-
trol the telegraph system in connec-
tion with the post-office." Mitchell
Lafleur and George Lavatta upheld
the affirmative, and Joseph Jocks and
Sylvester Long the negative. The
affirmative side won. Miss Lacrone
and Mr. Trambarger were the ofh-
cial visitors.
Nov 25, 1910 ARROW

The Invincibles held a lively meet-
ing in their hall last Friday evening,
every seat being taken. After the
miscellaneous business and the sign-
ing of the constitution by new mem-
bers, the house proceeded with the
program as follows; Song, Invinci-
bies; declamation, George LaVatta;
essay, Frank Lonestar; speeches,
Thomas Owl and Josiah Saracino;
duet, George La Vatta and Robert
Tahamont; quartet, James Mumble-
head, Sylvester Long, Frank. John-
son, and Philip Cornelius. Debate:
Resolved, "That to cross the Atlan-
tic in an airship requires more ccur-
age thanit dZlfor ~
in a sailing vessel." Theafhrmative
speak-e*- wereewilliam Bishop and
Henry Vinsbn; the negative, Philip
Cornelius and Moses Friday. The
judges decided in favor of the neg-
ative. The official visitor was Miss
Dec 16, 1910  ARROW

The proverbial "Invincible spirit"
was manifest throughout the even-
ing. The president, Edison Mt.
Pleasant, called the meeting to order
and read a few verses from the Bi-
ble, after which the following pro-
gram was carried out: Selection, In-
vincible orchestra; song, Invincibles;
selection, orchestra; declamation,
Frank Johnson; essay, Joseph Loud-
bear; instrumental quartet, Robert
Bruce, James Mumblehead, Harry
Bonser and Charles Coons; extempo-
raneous speeches, Oce Locus and
George LaVatta; select reading, Roy
Redeagle; oration, William Bishop;
cornet duet, Robert Bruce and James
Mumblehead. Debate: Resolved,
"That postal savings banks should be
established in the United States."
Affirmative, Alfred DeGrasse, M.
LaFleur; negative, Alonzo Brown
Sylvester Long: Thenegatives won:
After another selection from the or-
chestra and a few words of commen-
dation and advice from the visiting
employees, adjournment followed.
Jan 13, 1911 ARROW

The Invincible program was as
follows: Song, membewyselectread-
ing, Frank Lonestar; extempora-
neous speeches, Joseph Jocks,
Charles Coons; select reading,
Eugene Powle,qt- -quartets James
Mumblehead, Sylvester Long, Philip
Cornelius and Frank Johnson; ora-
tion, Sylvester Long. The question:
Resolved, "That the judges of the
United States Supreme Court
should be elected by the people."
affirmative, Robert Tahamont and
Edison Mt. Pleasant; negative, Wm.
Owl and Moses Friday. The affirm-
atives won. The official visitor was
Mr. Wyatt.
Mar 3, 1911 ARROW

James Mumblehead and Sylvester
Long went to Shippensburg Sunday
to deliver addresses to the Y. M. C.
A. There was a large attendance
and the meeting_was very~ successful.
Mar 10, 1911 ARROW

Sylvester Long is back in the
printing ofice again after working
down town for several months.
Mar 17, 1911 ARROW

Indians at Shippensburg.
Sylvester Long and James Mum-
blehead of theCarhsle Indian-School,
addressed the men’s meeting last
Sabbath afternoon in the Y. M. C.
A. rooms.
The young men spoke fluently and
freely as to tribal life and the idea of
a Supreme Being which has always
possessed the American Indians; their
worship and religious customs were
also interestingly explained.
The life of the young Indians at,
the Carlisle school was also fully de-
scribed, especially the religious life
among the students and their efforts
to study God’s Word and lead their
fellows into the Christian life.
Both-speeches made a profound im-
pression upon the audience which
was probably the largest ever assem-
bled in the historT_of the Association.~ mm
Fully twenty-five people were turned
away on account of the standing
room all being taken.-Shippensburg
Mar 24, 1911 ARROW

Good Y. M. C. A. Meeting.
The Y. M. C. A. meeting XiZli
was led by the young men of
the Senior class, was one of the best
of the year thus far. The service
was opened by the newly-elected
president, Sylvester Long, and then
led by the former president, James
Mumblehead. Those who took part
were Wllliam Owl, who spoke on
"Conference Work;" Edison Mt.
Pleasant, "What the Y. M. C. A.
has done for me;" Francis Coleman,
"Christian Influence;" Jefferson
Smith. "Benefits derived from Re-
ligion;" Charles Fish, "How the Y.
M. C. A. will help a student;"
Alvin Kennedy, "The Results of
bad influence;" Moses Friday,
"Truth Conquers;" Jam_e__Mu~mble-_
head, ‘"Spiritual Strength." Mr.
Nagay cmade a few remarks,
which there was a general
shaking and good-night.
Mar 31, 1911 ARROW

Invinciblea Have Good Meeting. __~
Tfii? InvinEibies held their usual
in terestingmeeting last Friday even-
ing. With two exceptions, every
member was prepared. The pro-
gram rendered was: Declamation,
Lyman Madison; essay, Harrison
Poodry ; extemporaneous speeches,
Leroy Red Eagle and Eugene Pow-
las; select reading, Henry Broker;
oration, Abram Colonahaski; De-
bate : Resolved, "That Lee was a
greater gen era1 than Grant."
Affirmative, Sylvester Long, Fred
Broker; negative, Philip Cornelius
and Henry Vinson. The judges de-
cidedl in the- -affirmative’s favor.
Mr. Friedman paid the society a
brief. visit; the members regretted
that he did not make ~a speech, for
they always iike to listen to his
advice. After the Critic’s report
the house adjourned.
Apr 7, 1911 ARROW

President Sylvester Long, of the
Y_- M. C. A., gay_e a list of ~hymns
which are regarded by the American
people as the most popular and uni-
versally sung hymns of to-day, tix
of which we sang at the meeting:
"Rock of Ages," "Jesus Lover of
My Soul," "What a Friend We Have
in Jesus," "I Love to Tell the Story,"
, "Just as I am," and "Onward Chris-
tian Soldiers."
May 19, 1911 ARROW

The -members of the Y. M. C. A.
invited the girls of the Y. W. C. A.
to attend their meeting last Sunday
evening. Sylvester Long was the
speaker forthe- evening; he told in
a most interestingwayof-kis-trip-- ___
to the Alleghany Convention. ~___ --~
Jun 2, 1911 ARROW

Our Memorial Day Breroiser.
But all this has been abandoned by
both tribes, as they are adopting the
ways of the -white people.-- 7Years
‘~~~~otic-~~] ~~~ ey .__._.. . . . . . . ..School Orchestra ~
"Memorial Day" .___....__. - . ..__. ___ ____ ..Harry West
"Atierica" _.;:-...: ._._..... ..L..~~....: _.___ ___._ ~_.___ _. --in Scho& ~.__ _ ~, _.._.L_--
~~c~~-~ebu~~a~e~~..~Anna Chisholm
"Tenting ‘I%-night’-‘......_. .______.___ _ ._.___ . . ..School
"Our Country" ____ ~.._.__. Sylvester Lollrr, Junior
"Freedom’s Flap" _......__.....__ _ ___. ,__._ _.___.. School
"The Red Cross So&&".:Ella Johnson: Senior
Selection __.... _ ______ _ __.._ _ _____ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .._Orchestra.
"Our Honored D~"_...B~~~~ct..~lpUd, &x&r.. ._
Remarks.. _._____.. ___ . .._ Superintgndeqt Friarnan ._ _. ago it was forbidden~ by the author----‘:The StarSpangledanner~.:__.:....._....,school
Sep 15, 1911 ARROW

The Juniors elected the following
Class officers for the coming term:
President, Abram Colonhaski; vice-
president, Mary Harris; secretary,
Anna Hauser; treasurer, John Goslin;
reporter, Sylvia Moon; critic, Mont-
reville Y u d a; sergeant-at-arms,
Sylvester Long.
Sep 15, 1911 ARROW

Sylvester Long, Cherokee, had
charge of the mechanical division of
the printing department during Mr.
Miller’s absence this summer. He is
only a two-year apprentice, but is
trustworthy and reliable, and his
willingness to work hard and faith-
ful ---has +ts+-eward -- in--a--- larger-
knowledge of his trade than is usually
gleaned during this period.
Carlisle was represented at the
ence by Sylvester Long who report-
ed a very profitable trip.
Sep 29, 1911 ARROW

School City Organized at Carlisle.
In the auditorium last Monday, Dr.
 Gill explained in detail the duties
of citizenship, and the code of laws
by which a model government may be
successfully. carried on. The Golden
Rule is the underlying principle,
and the others are modifications
of it which are to be lived and
acted out in everyday life. Dr.
Gill cited examples where these
ideas are being successfully carried
on to the great benefit of every one
concerned. An election of officers
resulted as follows: Governor of the
forenoon division, G u-s -w e 1 c h;
lieutenant-governor, Sylvester Long;
secretary of state, Iva Miller; chief
-justice, manna Hauser. Of the
afternoon division : Governor, Nan
Saunooke; lieutenant-governor, JoeI
Wheelock; chief justice, Eloy_ Sousa;
secretary of state, Anna Roulette.
Oct 6, 1911 ARROW

The Senior chosen to represent her
classmates at the opening exercises
in the afternoon, was Emma Newa-
she, who recited in a very pleasing
_ _tiu_-. __- d-z- -_ ‘I-rb~ltifluence of Kind
interesting program was rendered. Words.
The Class of 1912 extends a hearty A card announcing the marriage of
welcome tp-Sylvester Long, who has Grace I$ie and Patrick Verney-on
been m-omoted to the Senior Class. Saturday, October 7th, has been re-
~_sgi~~~gr~~ions--and-lsest - ~b~inilie~3 -townaymt
Saturday, we were fortunate enough wishes for a happy future go to them
to see the fine parade of California from the heart of every Carlisle
Frank’s Wild West Show. student.
to Carlisle by the third of next
Oct 13, 1911 ARROW

Debating Society met in their hall
Friday evening and elected the fol-
lowing officers for the coming term:
President, Sylvester Long; vice-
president, Wjliam @-low; vscre-
tary,.Jack Jackson; treasurer., Alex
Arcasa; reporter, George LaVatta;
critic, Joseph Loudbear; sergeant-at-
arms, George Vetterneck. .
Oct 20, 1911 ARROW

---Thornembers ,.of-+~invincillle
Debating Society met in their hall
at the usual hour with the president,
Sylvester Long, in the chair. After
the minutes of the last meeting had
been read and approved, three mem-
bers were sworn in. A clause, which
was presented some time ago, was
voted on and adopted by the house to
be a part of their constitution. The
following program was then render-
The Susans wish to thank Bene-
dict Cloud, Henry Vinson, Joseph.
Loudbear, Robert Weatherstone and
George LaVatta for their kind assist-
ance throughout the week of prep-
aration for their entertainment.
Oct 27, 1911 ARROW

select reading, Tony Lajdnnesse;
clarinet duet, Sylvester Long. and *
Jonas Homer. Debate: Resolved,
"That the.Indian. should become a
citizen- of the United States."  Af- -
firmative, Josiah Sara&o and S.ta*z:
ford Elgin; negative, Philip Cornelius
and William Bishop. The judges,
Mitchell Lafleur, Abraham Colon-
haski and Jonas Homer decided in
favor of the negative side. Among
the several visitors
Emery, Reichel and
official visitors were
and Miss McDowell.
Dec 1, 1911 ARROW

Last Monday morning at chapel exi
excises, Sylvester Long gave a red-
tation, entitled "Spare Moments."
Tb ?J~ee&~
evening was led by the president
of the Y. M. C. A., Sylvester Long.
The speaker for the evening was Mr.
Hughes from .Carlisle. Mr. Hughes
is the able and enthusiastic secretary
of the Carlisle Y. M. C. A., which
through his efforts is now in such a
flourishing condition. What he said
dideveryone present much good..
After the meeting a joint Cabinet
meeting was held.
Sep 19, 1913 ARROW

Sylvester Long, Carlisle ‘12,~ and
Conway Hall freshman last year,
was a visitor to his Alma Mater the
fore part of the week. He was on
his.way-to St. John’s Military Acad-
emy in Manlius, N. Y,, where he has
been granted a scholarship.
he Y. M. C. A. Meeting.
The meeting was led by John Gib-
son. The president, Nelson Simons,
talked to the boys about meeting and
encouraging new boys to come into
the Association.
Mr. McMillan, our old friend, was
. . . there to give-the fellowswords-ofen-
couragement, as- was also Sylvester
Long, our ex-president, who has al-
‘ways done‘ a great deal to further the
interests of Association work. He
advised the boys to attend the meet-
ings regularly and to work earnestly
to promote the growth of Christian
work at Carlisle;’
Mr. Mann was present to advise
and to help carry on the meeting. --- _~
The following interesting letter has
been received from Sylvester Long,
-rho graduated from- Carlislr+in--l-9&q- I .,/. _.,__.
and attended ConwaS;:aall last year. -
We know he will besuccessful, as he
has the energy, stick-to-it-iveness,
and character:
TYRONE, PA., July 299, 1916.
’ I am dropping YOU a few lines to acquaint
you with my plans for the coming year.
Through a friend, Mr. E. A; Walls, former-
ly of Sousa’s band, I have obtained an appoint-
ment tq St. Johns Military School, at ManliuQ
N. Y. This schopl, in which Mr. Walls has
two sons, is, I understand, a very reliable in-
stitution, having received the title of 'Dis-
tinguished Institution" from the Government,
and ranking next to West Point among mili-
tary schools-the graduates of which, as in
West Point, are accepted as commissioned
officers in the’ U. S. Army. So as my tuition ’
and other expenses will be paid by means of
my music, I think I will be justified in accept-
ing this apppintment. However, I shall re-
turn to Carlisle next fall as usual and leave
from there.
Nov 28, 1913 ARROW

Sylvester Long Lance, a graduate
of Carlisle who is now enrolled as a
student at St. John’s Military Acad-
emy, Manlius, N. Y., writes to Supt.
Oct 9, 1914

Cases of Exceptional Talent Pound at Carlisle
Indian School.
"Cante masica, cante masica" (my
heart is sad, my heart is sad). Thus
piped the Indian brave beneath the
shadow of the forest until he drew
his maiden forth from her tepee to
gladden it. The rude wooden flute
upon which he played was practically
the only instrument he possessed, as
was then melody the only. tune of his
that has been set upon paper.
Few people have understood just
how naturally musical the Indian is.
It is a trait that has not been fea-
tured on the pages of the novelists
and historians who have .presented,
principaIly, only his bloodthirsty or
warlike attributes.
One generation of the Indian
trained in modern music has showed
that he had only to be shown how to
express himself to give remarkable
evidence of his talent and naturally
musical character. Uncle Sam’s offi-
cials of the Indian Department were
quick to realize the civilizing influ-
ence which this quality could exer-
cise upon the Indian himself, if de-
James Holy Eagle, a typical Sioux
warrior from South Dakota, is a fair
example of the extraordinary mu-
sical ability of the race. Just a few
months ago he entered the school,
and to-day he plays the solo cornet
parts in the band with ability.
Purpose of Tea&n&
But, with a wisdom that might be
emulated in the education of their
young white brethren, the redskins
are taught whatever form of ,music
in which it seems they may excel,
not primarily to earn a livelihood;
but in order that it may soften their
_.zhar2&_er -and- a&& them -an a?
complishment that will enable them
‘.to enter certain classes of society
which might otherwise remain closed~
to them.
As a result of this.idea and its
application, says Bandmaster Claude
Maxwell Stauffer of the Carlisle In-
dian School, there are scattered
throughout the country many scores
of bands in which are playing young
Indians who have gained equal social
recognition thereby.
"Here lies a splendid social uplift
idea-for the masses of the sup-
.posedly more cultured and civilized
white race. Would little slum dwell-
ers,._if thoroughly versed-in music in
the settlement houses and other up-
lift agencies around or among them,
develop into strong-arm men and
thugs ?"
The Indian School authorities,
Supt. M. Friedman and Bandmaster
Stauffer, believe that the number
would be reduced and insist that
musical training has a ‘tremendously
softening effect upon their own
.The personnel of the Carlisle In-
dian band changes each year. There
are seldom half of the same men to-
gether in two succeeding years, and
yet it is enabled to attain an equal
proficiency with many of theleading
bands of the. country and render
practically any of the more difficult
instrumental scores.
Progress Is Rapid.
Music, however, with the Indians-
and whatever their degree of talent-
is merely a side issue while at Car-
lisle. The bandsmen go to school
half a day and work half a day.
Their musical instruction, whether
individual or in the aggregate, as in
the band, is gained in their own time.
The young Indians are now begin-
ning to gain individual fame in the
musical world. Many of them gain-
ing scholarships’ in leading musical
colleges and schools of the country,
as, for instance, Sylvester Long, a
young Cherokee gained a full free
scholarshipin the’musical department
of St. John’s Military Academy, and
Fred Cardin, a Quapaw, who bids fair
to become a violin virtuoso and who
gained by his ability the &me privi-
lege in Dana’s Conservatory at War-
ren, Ohio.
But rapid as has been the evolu-
tion of the Indian in less than agen-
eration, from the crude w ood en
flute, resembling the modern plebian
tin -whist&’ to Xny of the more~dil?-l:-
cult instruments of musical expres-
sion, he is -also showing. remayk_a_ble,~
~development in every other form of
endeaver. -Pittsburg Gazette-Times.