Lone Wolf.  E-si-sim-ers.
Kiowa Ft. Marion POW.

Lone wolf (e-si-sim-ers) 
William Lone Wolf (gooe pah gah). Rg1327 #742. CIIS ID #1370. Listed as Kiowa from Kiowa agency. Arrived at CIIS 7/4/1892 aged 19. both parents listed as living. Father listed as Lone Wolf. Departs CIIS at 9/26/1895 b/c he was 'self supporting'. Had 4 outings: A Satterwaite, Langhorne,PA 9/13/1892-9/14/1893, W Ivings, Tullytown 10/10/1893-3/31/1894, Mrs A Satterthwaite, Oxford Valley, 3/31/1894-9/17/1894, E Wallace, BellBend, Luzerne CO 6/1/1895-9/14/1895. 7/7/1912 married to Fannie Gray Eyes. Living in Ashton Kansas. Was at Hampton 1901, Haskell1903 blacksmithing. Has4 kids –3 girls, 1boy. Owns a car, three houses, (one in Ashton, one in Arkansas City and one in geude Springs). "I was a shoerer [sic] in pack train at Fort sill but give up my position on accountthatthe man i had to work with was do dirty in their talk." "I hardly know what would interest you. I am trying to sell all I have here and moving away. Here where I live is a very small place and I want to move to a place where it is larger where i can have a garage and have a nice business. I would like to ask you how old childre have to before coming to school." Letter in the file from 3/24/1913."I reced your kind and welcome invitation askig me to come to the commencement of the dear old school of Carlisle. I am very sorry to say that I can not come this year. My work keeps me so close, that it would be impossible for me to come just at this time. As I want to purchase a little more land and have a larger outing for my childre. As I have retired from blacksmithig and have rented my shop and tools out by the tyear.So I intend to get a good poultry farm. I want to go into the poultry business and i like to have enough land to raise all the feed I would need for them. Of course, we have out allottment from the government. But this will be a poultry farm of not more than 20 acres, so you see I am trying to be a progressive Indian.I have to stay close to business. Having some seven allotments to look after, a house and blacksmith shop and tools. And to collect rent from. I am sure if I can keep my health, i will be able to come new year if you wish me too." Note on the file from Supt (dated 1913) says that Lonewolf "possessed a greater degree of negro than Indian blood and that he secured his rights as an Indian by being adopted into the Kiowa tribe by an Indian named LoneWolf." 

Genevieve Bell database.

Headquarters of the Army, Inspector Generals Office, June 26th, 1877.
Inspector General to Sec. of War (R.B. Marcy, Inspector General)
Report of the Inspector, May 8th and 9th, 1877.
Inspection of Saint Francis Barracks by Inspector General, N.H. Davis.
----64 pows under 1st. Lt. R.H. Pratt, 10th Cavalry---
Number and Names of Chiefs of each tribe---
Cheyennes: 27 men and 1 woman, total 28---
Chiefs 4: Minimic, Heap of Birds, Little Medicine and Bear Shield.
Kiowas: Chiefs 3: Lone Wolf, Double Vision and White Horse, total 22.
Comanches: 9 men, 1 woman, and 1 child.
Chiefs 1: Black Horse, total 11.
Arapahoes: (no chiefs), total 2.
Caddoes: (not as chief), total 1.-----Total POWs 64.

Cheyenne Files - Ft. Marion POWS Text Copyright (c) 2003 John Sipes Collection.

Delos Lone Wolf (Gooe pah gah). Rg 1327 #5309. CIIS ID#1360. Arrived at CIIS 7/4/1892 aged 22. boh parents are listed as living,father as Lone Wolf. He remains at school until 3/4/1896, and graduates with the class of 1896. One outing, with HK Brown, Newburgg, 10/10/1892-11/24/1892. 5/3/1910. married to Ida Wansey (kiowa). Farming in Ft Cobb, OK. Of him, it is written "Lone Wolf is not up with the times, he has ambition to be head of his tribe and lead them in the old tribal ways which is a thing of the past in Oklahoma. He does not stick to any kind of special work. Says Mark Pernor of Anadarako OK. 

Genevieve Bell database.

Ida Wasee (also Wansey). Rg 1327 #2513. CIIS ID #494. arrived at CIIS 9/24/1888 aged 14. Both parents are listed as living. Father could be: Kahah-te-bah, of Minco. She stayed at Carlisle until 6/30/1896. She went on many outings: R Lippincott of Rancocas NJ 9/13/1889-10/16/1891, 4/14/1892-9/8/1892, 4/21/1893-9/14/1893; J Warrington, Morrestown NJ 10/1/1894-11/07/1894; Mrs E Levering, Washington DC1/9/1896-6/29/1896.  By 1910, living in Carnegie OK with Delos Lonewolf. 

Genevieve Bell database.

Delos Lone Wolf remained in New York with Sculptor Brown, to pose for an Indian figure for the Worlds Fair.

Oct 14, 1892 INDIAN HELPER

March 10, 1893 INDIAN HELPER
, The Standards elected the following officers -
at their last. meeting: President., Philip La-
vatta; Vice-President, Robert H:lmilton; Re-
cording Aecretnry, Bert,ie Reunerly; Corres-
ponding Secretary, Paul G. Bear; Treasurer,
Delos Lone Wolfe; Marshal, Lenncler Gans-
worth; Reporter, Anthony Austin; Commit-.
tee on Arrangements, Felix I. E. Feather,
Paul Shatt_ck, and Joe Evans.

The Standard Debating Society has electec
the following of%cers for the ensuing term:
President, Siceni Nori ; Vice President, Pbilir
Lavatta; Recording Secretary, Lewis Will,
iams; Corresponding Secretary, Paul Shat
tuck; Treasurer, Howard Gansworth; Mar.
shal, Stanley Edge; Reporter, Bertie Ken
nerly; Committee on Arrangements, Tbomar
B. Bear, Delos Lone Wolf and Clarence W
Thunder, chairman.

May 12, 1893 INDIAN HELPER

Principal Chief Lone Wolf aud Judge of
the Indian Police Chad-die-kaung-ky, of the
Kiowas, and Comanche Chief Cue-uip, who
is a brother-in-law of the somewhat eminent
Indian Quanah Parker of that vicinity, vjsited
the Carlisle School on their way home from’
Washington, wtlere they had been to see the
President about the affairs of the tribe. They
were accompanied by an interpreter, Mr. F.
W. Woodward. Delos Lone Wolf went with
them to Washington. They speak in highest
terms of the way in which lhey were treated
in Washington, and of the C’arlisle Indian
The game at Gettysburg, on Saturday be-
tween our boys and the nine of t,hat place was
a hard tussle up to the 7th inning, and no
_ score wae made for either,side up to that _
point, but the last three innings won the game
i for the Gettysburg meu by a score of 6 to 1.
The s’ame Gettysburg team has since beatet
the Dickinson College team by a snore of 17 to
1: School.

Nov 15, 1895 INDIAN HELPER

A Memorial service for our highly esteemed
es-student Herbert Littlehawk, whosedemise
occarcd two jveeks ago, ivas held in the chapel
ou Sunday eveuing, Timothy Henry, Pres-
itleut of the I’. 31. C. _4., in the chair. The
meeting was opened by a selection from the
Y. 11. C. A. Quartette, aud Prayer by Prof.
Bakeless. A hgmu by the school was t’ollow-
ed by this pro,oram: “His Character,” Captaiu
Pratt; “His Religious Life,” Prof. Bakeless;
“His Every Day Life,” \\‘. G. Thompson;
“His Social Life,” Alexander Ppshaw and
Miss Luckeubach; Pelyction, “Send the
\Vord,” Y. 31. C. A. Quartette; “His Y. >I.
C. A. Work,” Delos Louewulf; “_4llplicatiou
of his Life to Ours,” Howard i;aus\vorth;
“Shall me Gather at the River,” Pctiool; and
closing prayer by Mr. Spray. The bervlce
was deeply impressive throughout. The char-
acter of Herbert Littlehawk as brought out in
the addressess of the eveningwas most beaufl-
ful. A brief synopsis of tile addrewes will be
preserved in the November Red Man, out the “.
At the close of the mouthly euterfaiuinent
last. Thur4ay Ilight Capt Pratt pronounced it
the best school entertaiumrut he had wituess-
4, aud others were of thesame opinion. The
music was good aud the recit,atious-and other
featllres were exc~~ptioual. Captain thanked
those who had takeu part in providing such
an enjoyalble evening, aud said be did uot be-
lieve he had ever looked into more eager faces
than those of the Iudiau boys aud girls that
night He referred to foot, ball, and told of his
tlxvirig visited the great Baldwiu Locomotive
]Vorki in Philadelphia a few days hefore and
talking with a promineut Lentlemau counect-
ed with the works, who said he was not a foot-
ball enthusiast, but that he llad watched with
much iutereat tile resul(s of the recent games
our boys had played. “If your Indian boys cau
hnld their owu iu foot ball with the trains of
the great collflges and unirer+itirs of our laud
they can hold their owu in anglhinp,” said
he. “80,“continned the Cal)ttiiu,“we are figlIt-
iug our way IX on foot-ball liues, 011 the
l)latforru, as was mauifest here to-night, iu
nlusic; liglltiug our way IS! !! aud we will
reach higller aud higher until there are uo
dif%rences between us and the sixty millions
of people inhabitiilg this country. 11-e will
wipe 01-T P the diff’ereuret4.” 1tiss Ackermau
favored the audience with a pleasing little
selectiou, aud Mrs. Pratt related au encour-
agiug iucideut brought to miud by one of tbe
recitations. She told of how a locomotive
firemau rose to the professorship iu a great
college. The Noid display was tastefully
arrauged and showed marked progress in
the last mouth.


The foot-ball season of 1895 closed in a blaze
of glory on Tbanksgiving Day. ‘1 he st,rong
New York Y. M. C. A. team strengthened by
four players from the Crescent Athletic Club,
fell before our boys in a well played game by
a score of 16 to 4. Manhattan Field was the
scene of the conflict.
The Y. M. C. A. kicked off and th’e Indians
soon took the ball down the Geld for a touch-
down and goal. This was repeated, but the Y.
hf. C. A. fought bard and made us work to
score. On their 3rd kick-off, Metoxen caught
the ball, but was tackled hard after a short
run. In falling, his sore knee was wrenched
and he fumbled, a New Yorker securing the
ball. By mass plays, which several times
barely gained them the necessary five yards,
they got the ball over for a touchdown, but
could not kidk the goal.
Time was soon after called. In the second
half, we secured one touch-down, but.the try
at goal failed. Jamison’s run of 25 yards on a
cries-cross was a feature. No more scoring
was done in tbis half and the game ended with
the score standing 16 to 4 in our favor. The
ground was very soft and prevented good run-
ning. On a dry ground, the score would pro-
bably have been larger. New York could not
get around our ends, the runner always being
thrown for a loss, and so they contented them-
selves with short gains on mass plays at the
We played a more open game and worked
the end and line equally well for good
gains. As might be expected, the game was
a clean and gentlemanly one. We probably
lost one touchdown on what maoy thought
a wrong decision of the referee,rbut it was un-
intentional. At the close of the game, our
boys were wildly applauded by the spectators.
The New York papers spoke well of us, only
one giviag a dime novel account in which
“war paint,r scalps, tomahawks, flre water,
thumb chewing, cuss words,” etc., predomi-
nated, but such things only existed in the im-
agination of the writer, for a cleaner game
could hardly have been played, and mauy
were disappointed at the civilized appearance
of our boys.
The Red Mm will say:
We could fill several columns with compli-
mentary notices of the fine playing of our
team, but space forbids. The newspapers
have been generous in their accounts, quite a
number being illustrated. Cuts of the team
have appeared in the Chicago Inler-Ocean,
Xew York Tribune, Pittsburg Bulletin and
Harp&e Round Table. An article by Capt.
Bemus Pierce with cut of himself, was print-
ed in the Philadelphia Erects. When we re-
member that we started with but six old play-
ers, the others being subs or altogether new,
our record of four games won and four lost is
a good one. When we consider too, the very
little coaching received, it appears still better.
But we are especially proud of the fact tbat
our boys played a clean, gentlemanly game
throughout, and showed themselves men of
grit, endurance, self-control and brains under
the trying conditions of a foot-ball game.
The Indian is not dead yet, but alive and able
to compete with the world, if allowed to use
his God-given faculties. “A fair field and ~10
favor” is all he asks, and he will render a good
account of himself, whether in business. mu-
sic, art, education or athletics. W. R. ‘2.
Mr. Thompson, in his account of the Man-
hattan game for the Red Man will say:
We arrived in New York Wednesday even-
(Continued on Fourth Page.)
(C~nti,~~ed from the Firvt Pfc.9e.l
ing reaching our hotel, L’Tlle Ashland,” about
eight o’clock. We were welcomed by it8 ge-
nial proprietor, Afr. Brockawap, who had a
most appet,izing supper awaiting up. Our
meals were served in a separate Dining room,
aud our wante were well looked after.
()n Thursday morning, breakfast was eafen
about eight o’clock, after which a visit was
made to the Eden Musee where a most inber-
estlng time was spent. After lunch, we wenl
to the Y. &I. C. A. rooms, which were but half
a equare away, where our boya donned their
Promptly at 12:30 both teams left the Asso-
(elation rooms for Manhattan Field. Each
team was conveyed to the grounds by a tally-
The drive of an hour and a half, by way of
Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Avenues, was a most
delightful and interesting one, giviug, as it
did, a view of the most magnificent dwellings
and the greater part, of Central Park. On our
way we passed Dr. Parkhurst of whom we had
read EO much.
The game was called at 2:30 in the pres-
ence of about &NO people, about 3000 of whom
viewed the game free from a very high via-
duct just south of the grouuds. Our game,
as is always the case, was entirely void of all
objectionable features--the highest compli-
mentary remarks for our boys’ playing and
gentlemanly conduct beiug heard on all sides.
The game over, we were again conveyed to
the Association rooms where shower baths,
etc., were indulged in. Then followed a light
supper at the hotel.
Seven-thirty that evening again found us at
the Y. M. C. A. We attended the prayer
meeting after which a most enjoyable mueical
aud literary programme was given. Our
boys were welcomed by the many offlcers and
members of the Association and the greatest
interest was Rhown by them;_ nothing being
left undone to make our visit a memorable
After this entertainment, the InemherE of
both teams and the offleers of the Y. bl. C. A.
adjourned to the spacious banquet hall,
where an elegant spread awaited US.
During the evening many toasts were re-
sponded to by officers and members of the Association. Among theee were Delos Lone
Wolf, Wm. Leighton and myself.
the school and its work.
I described
Uelos spoke feelingly of hia interest in
Y. M. C. a. York. He said he had been urged to stop playmg foot-bail as it was not proper
for him to be a member of the Y. bt. C. A.
and to be playing foobball.’ He closed his re
marks with these words: ‘LI play foot-hall
because I like it; because it has taught me
how to control myself as I nerer cotid before.
It has strengthened me physically and so
helped me in my wnrk for God. We do not
put offour Christianity when we go to the
foot-ball field. We play not only for the good
benefits of the game to us as individuals, but
for the advancement and glory of our school.”
Wm. Leighton’s remarka were well re-
ceived. His word8 were to the effect that Iu-
dians were the same as other people and
should have the same opportunities.
“You notice,” he said, “We like what you
like; we eat what you eat and we eat just as
you eat.”
The Physical Director of the Association
remarked Lhat their Indian friends by their
manly conduct and gentlemanly playing bad
given them a leseon t,hat would never be for-
gotten, that if the Y. M. C. A. team played
with t,he same spirit as the Indian team then
foot-ball would not only be unobjectionable,
but a power for good.
Mr. McBurney, one of the first officers en-
gaged iu Aspoci&ion work, gave the closing
remarks. He said that in the early days of
association work if foot-ballor other athletica
were mentioned to the Board of Directors.
they would have expected every one to go td
perdition. We have advanced but we are none
the less conservative. That foot-ball can be
played by Godly men has been shown by our
Indian friends to-day and we cau not fail to-
profil by their example.
At. 12:30 our boys retired for a well earned
rest. Early Friday morning after checking
our baggage, we called upon Mr. Wasson of
the AYeru yorX_ Tribune, who was present at
our Commencement last.February. Through
his kindness and by him personally_ we were
shown through every department of that
great paper and were given mementos run
off by their wonderful t,ype-setting machines.
Our next visit was to the great Brooklyn
bridge, over which we walked.
On our return, we visited one of the largest
and most importaut engine and truck houses
of the New York Fire Department. Here the
horses were turned out atid hitched up for us,
and every detail of the great work of life and
property- saving and the various apparatus
used fully explained to us. Our next visit
was to the great operating rooms and offiees
of the Western Union Telegraph Company.
Through the courtesy of the Assistant Super-
intendent, we were shown through one of the
operating rooms, where we saw over a thou-
sand opel;atorB at work-sending and receiv-
messages from all parts of the world.
he difFerent kinds of machines and their
uses, the wonderful pneumatic tubes, through
which packages were forced for miles and, as
it appeared to us, almost in the twinkling of
an eye-all these were exDlained to us.
After satiefying a well earned appeiite, we
took the train at two o’clock for Carlisle.
All returned to school having had a most I
enjoyable and profitable trip.


On last Friday; Quanah Parker; head chief
of the Comanche Indians of Oklahotie,
Essatite, and Red’ Elk, also chiefs of the
same tribe, arrived from the west. .
Quauah was accompanied by his w’ife.
They were all dressed in citizeijs clothing.
They have long hair and still adhere to the
traditional scalp lock.
Mrs. Parker dresses in basque and Rkirt of
gay colored material. She wears high heeled
shoes: has diamonda on her fiugers ?nd carries
a gold watch. Her hair is cotnbed neatly
back, parted in the middle, and tied at the
back in a Ringle braid with red ribbon.
She speaks no English.
Quanah has tpree children with, us.
Tuesday, Lone Wolf,. chief of the Kiowas,
and Tsa,dle’Konkag, .Judge of th.e Indian
Court of Offenses arrived, making a striking
oompany of representative men of the Indians.
of the south west.
The latter were also dressed ‘in citizen’s
cloth&s, and Lone Wolf has discarded the
scalp lock, and wears short hair.
,>- .-
On Wednesday the entir.e pIrty left *for
Wasblngton, and were accompanibd by Delos
Lone Wolf, son of the Kiowa Cbi&
_1 WMe.at Carlisle the chiefs took a great in-
.-: terest j& examining into the worl&inge ‘of the
._ school and in drawing comparisons bet&e&
y the then of long ago. and now.
On Tti~da$:e&ning -the -school: was called
together and mnsic‘was tenddred,&y the.‘band
;;,.“;;::and choir in $on’or of the visitors $4&r which
.Y. _ ._ ‘, A_‘, , 2”.
;<-,z:- I ‘. ;. : . . f,,$?;. ,1 . .
HO dxres tlot follow Truth whero’or Hor fooLstops load, But says. “0 guide not them nor therr, 1 hem nof stren t11 to follow mhoro
nly foot would 72 leed. Rut show me horn ways, trodden Pair By feet mom bravo-”
Who fears t,o stand in Truth’s broad glnro, What others dared not. will oat d:tre,
Is but a-rsla\~.
there was speech making on the part of the
chiefs, and others.
By way of introduction Captain said:
“Next June, will be 29 years since I metthese
people on tbe Little Washita dowc in the Ind-
ian Territory.”
He remembered the time and place aud in-
cident very well. As Mr. Standing was au
old frieutl of the chiefs, he having spend his
first years among the Indians in the tribeti
they represent, Captain asked him to make a
few introductory remarks.
Mr. Standing said in @art:
Among the many opportunities that come
to us here that would not come elsewhere is
that of meet@g many of the prominent Indian
chiefs of the dny, from most of the Indian
tribes of the United States.
These men have beoome great in their tribes
by reason of force of character and natural
ability, an@ have by the same means com-
pelled the rkspect of all with whom they
have come i; contact. They have no edu-
&ion, but are intelligent and know bow to
make a good bargain.
One of the strongest educational forces that
hab acted upon the Western portion of the
country they represent has come by Indians
visiting Carl@le and seeing as they could not
see elsewhere the possibilities of education.
We cannot estiniate the good results of these
visits; they arg productive of very great good
to the Tndiaqs as well as the people of the
country. !
After a-few minutes.more of very good talk,
i.h relation td the Kiowas and Comanches,
Mr. St&dingintroduced Quanah Packer. He
is not educat’ed in.books but is well versed in
general knowledge and business experience.
The Comau4pee are divided into small barids.
The band wliich Qnanah represents is called
QuabadeAntelbpe Eaters. The other bands
are Buffalo Eaters, Honey Eaters and Root . Eaters. i :,
Contimied on’4th page.
rom 1st page. ~~
c_ruanah is a rich man, owning 1000 head of
cattle. He lives iu a $6000 house, has 200
head of ponies, and 300 acres of land under
‘l’~enty years ago he bad nothing.
\vhell (Juauah arose he was greeted with
lolld apl)lauee and spoke n-ithout interpreter.
He had expiaiued to Mr. Standing that he
\,~Rs afraid that he would not be understood
in his broken English, but Air. Standiug ask-
et1 the audience to be very still, and all were
very still while Quauah said in part: u “1 not talk English much. I been here
-I days. I look all at you. I find out
everything good. I come ‘000 miles Rest.
Oklahoma, that’s where I come from. I tele-
graph the C’ommissioner, me wants see my
children. I go down Washington, I tell what
I see here. Government wants open Indian
country, Tndian he no ready Set. You all
Indian like me. Indian DO understand farm.
He don’t know it how tomake homes. That’s
my idea.
I don’t want to open my country soon.
Snme poor Tudians no ready yet. Nay be half
of it, they ready. That’s what I come for.
That’s what I tell Commissioner.”
We have not space to give the entire speech.
Then Lone Wolf was introduced. Delos, his
son, interpreted. When he began in~the rery
strange Kiowa tongue many of the smaller
children could not refrain from smiling, and
some audibily, which wan not meant for any
disrespect. This lasted but a second, how-
ever, when Delos began wit.11 “He says:
The first thought I wish to present to you is
in a line concerning our business. We are on
our way to Washington tn adjust some matters
concerning our people. Commissioners were
appointed to treat with us. You no doubt
have read of the proceedings. My friends Capt.
Pratt and Mr. Standing have read and know.
The Commissioners saw that the old chiefs
were weak and they made things go their
own way. We found that we will receive ra-
tions only two years, and not half of our peo-
ple are farmers and are not able yet to take
care of themselves. The time is ,too short.
I am doing what I can in my feeble efforts to
help mg people.
We have schools, one a mission school, and
the two Largest are Goverument schools.
We are doing what we can to help the CansE
of education amoug our people. We cannot
help feeling that Carlisle is doing a work that
cannot he co_mpared with any work that if
going forward among the Indians.
The reservat,ion schools have allonred the
children to speak the Indian tongue. Uar-
lisle does not and for that reason Carlisle is
Two years ago when I was here and stood
before you, I said t,hat I could see no differ-
ence between the pale faced children and our
own, and it is because of the work that is go-
ing on here.
I have said time and again, we men are as
childreu. Our children who have learned
the English language are stronger than we
I have seen great buildings hers which the
Indian boys helped to erect. If Iudians can
do these things, Indisns can do anything, [ap-
plause], and I estend the .thanks of my peo-
ple t.o your beloved Ruperinlendent for such
I cannot help feeling that he is a first rate
doctor ; he is giving you good medicine.”
Then Captain wound up the evening with a
few ‘remarks, showing his strong belief in
Lone Wolf’s a&eriion that Indians can learn to
do all that the white man can if they have the
same opportnuity. He (Captain) would have
been as much an Tndian as Lone Wolf had he
been born in Indian surroundings with no’
opportunity or encouragement bo be ot.her-
“Lonewolf cays you look like white people;
it is because you have associatrd wit,h white
people,” said Captain. .

March 6, 1896 INDIAN HELPER

The orations, “Our Development a Necessi- ty” by Delos Lonewolf, and ‘>The Indian a Man” by Elmer Simon, were slirring appeals
for the red man und lhe eloquence and pathos of the speeches touched the hearts of the audi ence, which was generous in applause.
James Flaooerg’s cornet solo, “My Old Kentucky Home,” with its difficult vari-ations, was so enthusiastically received that,
although no encores was the rule, the baud had to give the popular L’lnclian War Dauce.” Gen. Howard, in well chosen words of ad-
vice, presented the diplomas to the 25 graduates. t He said that white men were not all the same. The 1ndia.n had his friends arl
well as his enemies, and he numbered himself with the former. His appeal to the graduates not to slight their parents, but to try to elevate them made a deep impressiou. Pennsylvania’s governor, Daniel H. Hastings, followed in a stir&g speech, comparing the times when Red and White, Blue and Gray met in deadly conflict on these grouuds and the present when they came together as friend and brothers. .
Gen. Fitzhugh Lee, the Confederate cavalry leader who burned the barracks here just before the battle of GeQysborg, was introduced. .
Drl& Lonewolf, class ‘96, took his departore for lris.hotile in Oklahoma, on *dues- dtiy eveuitig. We expect to -h&ar, frrtm him
later. Delos can make things move his way if lie will.

Mar 27, 1896 INDIAN HELPER

 A letter from William Moore, class ‘95, now takiug the commercial course at Haskell savs that Delos Lonewolf. class ‘96 stotlned
of? on his way to Oklahoma, and -that it seemed homelike to meet Carlisle friends. Delos talked to the members of the Y. RI. C. A.
on Sundav evening.


Delos LoneWolf, class ‘9ti, has been quite silent siuce he left us in Ilarch ; but a letter full of int.eresting news of him&elf and other
Carlisle ex-stndeuts has just come. He says in part:
“When I came t.o -4uadarko there were several places open iu which I could earn a little money. I accepted the position of helper, but
after two weeks time I was llromoted to the l,osition of industrial teacher, which place I srn now hnldiug.
Martha Napawat, class ‘$14, is tbe laundress here, she is doing well. Julia Given is still at the Raining Mt. Mission, as an asslstaut
t.o Miss 31. J. Reaside. Julia is lookiug well kd is doiug as well as can be expect.ed. Jas.Waldo and Ned Brace are workiug on their
own farms. Calvin Kiowa and Eustace Kssapoyette are still 1n the army. Eustaee has but a year t,o serve then he hopes to take up his trade again. I thiuk I have seen all the old Carlisle students, and the-y are doing very well as a rule ~fv iuterest, in the Youug Men’s Christian A&Go]ation wnrk is as gregt as usual. I have orgauizetl a rery good association at this agellcy 0f which Ned Brace is the secretary.
Another I organized at this school, but I haven’t been sble to give it xnuch help, but hol)e to soon.
\Ye hold students’ meeting on Saturday evening of eacll lveeli. \ve are UOW plauuiug for a students’ convention, to be attended by all the “old *chool-boys” aud girls” aud the student8 of the nrigbboriug tribes. At t11is couveutiou many phases ok ctudeut life will be discussed as well as plaus to encourage sowe of the young men and women to go off to school.”

   The Seventeenth Anniversary Of the Birth of our school.
As is our yearly custom on the evening of the 6th of October, the pupils, teachers, offcers, and a few from the outside congregated
in Assembly Hall on last Tuesday evening to celebrate the anniversary of Carlisle’s birth
as a school.
   It was on the 6th of October, 1879 at one o’clock in the morning that Capt. Pratt arrived from Dakota with 82 Sioux boys and
girls, only one of whom was dressed in the clothes of civlization; and he was the inter-preter. Capt. Pratt said that at least 500 of
the inhabitants of Carlisle were at the train to meet them at that midnight hour. The program for the evening was entirely inform-al and unprepared.
   Alex Upshaw read a chapter from the Bible and the school joined in singing “America."  Then Howard Gansworth led in prayer. He
thanked God for the present pleasant sur-roundings of the pupils here gathered, and prayed earnestly that the money spent on’ the
Indian boys and girls at Carlisle would not be money wasted. He asked that the good people around us be led to see that the Indians have
capabilities, but he would haveus all realize that education and training alone are not all to be desired. We must have Christian hearts.
   Dennison Wheelock with his cornet band then brought out a new and entirely origitial composition-"From Savagery into Civilization” in which the sounds produced led up from the wild tom tom, through curious and intricate twists and turns to the sweet and classic strains of civilized horns. It was very appropriate for the occasion and was highly appreciated by the audience.
   Mr. Standing being the oldest member of the present faculty and here from almost the beginning was called upon.  Owing to our limited space we can give but a brief outline of the address.  Mr. Standing throught it was highly proper to commemorate the day for the edification of the new pupils and members of the faculty. The choir, nnder the. l&idership., of &Jrs: Berry, then rendered “Great is th.d Lp&” with telling e&r%. Miss perit’s poem whidh was read at-our first annlverssry and corn; posed for .that occesl’oou tvas again read -by Minnie Findley, changilig the number of years to fit the present ti_&. Abe Somers, Delos Lonewolf and Miss Burgess made brief addresses. Miss Cutter said in part after showing by comparison the growth of the school: “What you popileaf to-day must do is to gray in character. Try to do your work so well to be so cheerful and obedient, that evergoue will be glad that you are here.: In that way 8011 cau help Cap&. Pratt and all who ivork with him.”


Oct 23, 1896 INDIAN HELPER

Mrs. Lonewolf, wife of Delos Lonewolf who when with us was Miss Ida Wasee, now is living at the Rainy Mountain School, Anadarko, Oklahoma, and writes a newsy letter,  Among other things she says: “I have not worn Indian clothes because I am not compelled to. My people are too glad and proud to see me following the white man’s road, as they call it.” She says she is head seamstress at the school and likes her work very much.  She misses her husband Delos who is East, on business. It will be remembered that Delos
and Ida were married in July last, at their home. Of ex-pupils of Carlisle, she says “Otto Wells is here at the school as a helper.
Dora Chandee and Morgan are also here working. Martha Napawat is just now at camp with her mother. Julia Given is still working with the missionaries. James Waldo is married to a camp woman. Ned Brace is with his people in camp.

Apr 30, 1897 INDIAN HELPER

On Easter Sunday there came to live with Mr. and Mrs. Delos K. Lonewolf, in their home at Auarlarko, a little daughter. Delos say8 by letter dated the !20th, the bnby and Ida are doing very nicely. 

VOL. XIII. FRIDAY, January 21, 1898  NUMBER 14

   A very cheerful and hopeful letter from Delos Lonewolf '96, our former "centre rush" on the football team, gives news of some returned students at Kiowa Agency, O.T.  Lucius and himself are Agency farmers.  Ned Brace is Assistant farmer.  James Waldo is the Agency harness maker.  Martha Napawat, '94, has a position at the Rainy Mountain School.  Frank Everett, '92, is the Agency stableman, and several others have positions.  In the main they are doing well.  He says his wife, (Ida Wasee) and baby are well.

VOL. XIII. FRIDAY, February 4, 1898  NUMBER 16

  Delos Lonewolf,'96, and Ida are doing well.  Ida taught a little day school in her home for a while, but it was too much for her and she gave it up that she might give better care to her house and baby girl.

Oral History Tape, Oklahoma Historical Society, Interview with Mrs. Martha Thomas, Kiowa Indian, Interviewed 19, August, 1958, by Mrs. Logan Billingsley, Anadarko. Oklahoma.
(Tape in John Sipes Cheyenne Coll., Carlisle Indian School Files)
Mrs. Thomas states she is 85 in 1958 and went to Carlisle 9 1/2 years and became a Christian while in school. Her grandfather was Lone Wolf a Prisoner of War in Florida sent there with some Cheyennes. She was born in a tipi on the Washita River near Fort Sill.

Text Copyright (c) 2004 John Sipes Cheyenne Family Oral Histories.

Chey. & Arap. Messenger.
Vol. 1, August 1930, No. 8.
William (Bud) Howling Wolf was quite sick but is able to be up and around again. His oldest son Leslie has taken sick now.
White Skunk is suffering from an infected knee.
Clinton and Hammon.
On July 18th Virginia Heap of Birds, one year old, died near Clinton.  The little body was laid to rest in the family cemetery. Only six weeks ago these mourning parents had buried their three year old daughter.
The rebuilt house of Felix White Shield is nearly done.
Harry Flynn is building a new summer shade.
Clinton and Hammon.
Lone Wolf, one of our oldest Indians at Clinton, is a good reporter of Indian news.
A baby girl was born to Flynn and Francis Goose of Clinton on July 29.
Text Copyright (c) 2005 Sipes/Berthrong Cheyenne Collections. - Messenger News.