New Members For Standards.

  Several new members were initia-
ted and eleven names presented for
membership at the Standard Socie-
ty’s meeting last Friday. The new-
ly elected officers were then install-
ed; after which the following pro
gram was rendered: Recitation, Paul
Baldeagle; impromptu, Benedict
Cloud; declamation, Simon Need-
ham. Debate : Resolved, “That
the failure of Canada to pass the
Reciprocity Bill is a benefit to the
American farmer. ” The speakers
for the affirmative side were De-
lancy Davis and Harrison Smith.
John Goslin and Albert Lorentz up-
held the negative side. The judges
decided in favor of the affirmatives.
An interesting talk was given by
 John Goslin, who represented Car-
lisle at the Indian Conference in Co
lumbus, Ohio.  The president gave a short address.
October 27, 1911 ARROW

At the Catholic meeting last Sunday evening a program was renedered as follows: Reading, Mary Belbeck; clarinet duet, Eloy Sousa and Eloysas Sheoma; piano solo, Mary Pleets;
select reading, Paul Baldeagle; vocal
 duet, Margaret and Marie Chilson; piccolo solo, James Sampson.  Father Stock gave a short talk about the "World Series."
October 27, 1911arrow

The Standard program for Friday
evening, Nov. 10, was as follows:
Song, Standards; declamation,, Roy
Harrison; essay, Juan Herrara; im-
promptu, Frank Peshlikia; oration,
-Paul Baldeagle. The question for
debate read: Resolved, “That Jus-
tices of the Supreme Court of the
United States should be elected by
the people. ” The affirmative speak-
ers were Marcus Carbajal_and Ed-
ward Bresette; negative, Edward
Morrin and Wm. Giroux.  The judges
decided in favor of the negative side.
The official visitor was Miss Sweeny.
November 17, 1911 ARROW.

The Standard Program on the eve-
ning of November 17th was as
follows: Declamation, Alfred Myrick;
essay, Henry Herrara; impromptu,
Sam Wilson; essay, Fred Cardin;
instrumental solo, William Winne-
shiek. Debate: Resolved “That
aeroplanes will be a benefit in time
of war and as a means of transport-
ation. ” Affirmative, John Ramsey,
Paul Baldeagle; negative, George
Manewa, Chas. Warbonnet. The
judges decided in favor of the affirmative. Miss Kaup was the
official visitor. After the critic’s
report the house adjourned.
December 1, 1911 ARROW

Rose BaldEagle, who went home last June is doing well; she sends Thanksgiving greetings to all her friends.
December 1, 1911 ARROW

The Freshmen are glad to’welcome
into their class, Paul Baldeagle,
Stafford Elgin, and Cecelia Swamp.
December 15, 1911 ARROW

The Catholics held their meeting in
the music room and rendered the
following program: Select reading,
Gertrude Bresette; ,clarinet solo,
James Sampson; reading, Minnie
Oneal; vocal solo, Antoine Anonquot;
reading, Paul Baldeagle; piano duet,
Mary Pleets and Margaret Chilson;
vocal solo, Anna Bebeau.
January 19, 1912 ARROW.

vogue during the reign of LouisxIrr.
ior Cl.ass.. .__~~ 1 _memt; _ _~ _ aide. ._~ _-_ _ ~. ~.- ~~ ~-- - -
_ Henry Red~Owl and-Paul Baldeagle
Mr. Brown of Washington, D. C.,
‘were the speakers for the Freshman.
has been ap_pointed to Mr. .Miller’s
Class at opening exercises. Each
place in the print-shop. The boys
did well with d&lamations entitled
extend to him- a--cordis+ welcome,; --

The Standard program last Friday
evening was as follows: Declama-
tion, Calvin Lamoureaux; essay,.
Francis Eastman; impromptu, Lon-
nie Hereford; oration, Paul Bald-
eagle. Debate: Resolved, “That a
constitutional amendment be adopt-
ed giving Congress exclusive power
to- regulate the marriage and divorce
laws in the United States.” The
speakers on the affirmative side were
Louis Brown and .Paul Baldeagle;
the negative, Harrison Smith and
James Crane. The negative side
won. The official visitor was Miss

The Standard Debating Sooiety.”
The program rendered by the
Standards last Friday evening was as
follows: Song, Standards; declama-
tion, James Bucktooth; essay,
Christjohn Anton;; vocal solo, Paul
Baldeagle; oration, Alvis Morrin; im-
promptu, Thomas Devine. In,-the
debate, Resolved, ! That the Car-lisle
students derive-more-good under them
Outing System than they do when
they stay at school throughout the en-
tire term, ” the affirmative speakers
were George Manawa and Chauncy ,
Powless; the negatives were James*
Walker and Peter Eastman.

Catholic Graduates Honored.
‘The Catholics held a meeting in the
auditorium last Sunday-evening in
honor ofthe Catholic members OF the- ~~~
7?lassXlm rendered a program
as follows: Piano solo,- Mary Pleets;
recit%tion, Henry Broker; instru-
mental quartet, Robert Bruce, Ovilla
Azure, Eloy Sousa, and JamesSamp-
son; vocal solo, Ernestine Venne;
recitation, IvaMillew solo,-
James Sampson; recitation, Paul
Baldeagle; selection, instrumental ‘-‘Angel De Cora is the daughter-_
of j a descendant of theh~~editary__guartet,--~-r~j3u-tler-of-~arlisl_erXave-
chief of‘the Winnebagoes. an address a-nd Messrs. Antonio ~
‘c ‘A very promising career must _ . -.- Lube,- class ‘06, Robert Tahamont,
plam~ T,hqarty- was attacked

The following program was carried
out in the Auditorium:
Selection:....: _________ _ _.__ .__ _________ School Orchestra
Some Historical Trees _____.__________. _______._ _ .____ .
_...._. Ruth Walton, Freshman
Planting a Tree . .._.._. _ . ..______ ..__.__________ _ __...
_._.__..___._._______ George LaVatta, Sophomore
Song-Joy for the Sturdy Trees--Page
297) ._.... ._. . .____ . . . _. _. .._.________._....__...... School
Governor Tener’s Proclamation __.__...__._ ._._
. . . . . .._....____............... Kenneth King, Junior
Some of our Common Trees ._._____________.__.....
I ._._.__...____ __ ______ . . ..Simon Needham, Junior
Sele&on~~.: _....: _.........____._ ..___ SchooiCrchestra~
The Sorest Hymn........Leila Waterman, Senior
Quotations .____.._ _ ._...._.__.. _._.. The Senior Class
Song-In Meadow and in Garden School
Address: ______.___... _.._..._ H. A. Surface, D. SC.
Song-Ame . rrca _______._ ___ .______.___..._. . . . . ..School
March _____ _ _.____... _ . ..___ ~......__ School Orchestra
The farmers are planting corn. ~. __~__ _ .A_. _~ __ _.
James Lyons, ‘12, is now at his
home in Syracuse, New York. , I
Thomas A. . Eagleman, -99, sent
‘~regrets” from Canton, Illinois.
. - _-.._
burg Sunday, to see relatives and
The employees and students who
Lang Syne,” followed by taps. wenttobeatn weredelighted
Henry Redowl, Paul Baldeagle, and with it. . . . ..a- _“.
Charles Warbonnet accompanied the
remains to their final resting place in Our campus is looking very beauti-
Lorinda Printup was the speaker ~__~ _~ ______
for the Freshman Class in the audi-
torium last Monday morning; her
r-me Ridge,%. Dak.
. recitation was
f==ftIf3p37zr&d ULtllt-L
erititled_~~‘Press on. ” _

President of City CouncillFred -- Broker.
, _ QyZ$TION:
Resolved: That wmnen suffrage is desirable in
all the States.
AfZrmutiv~- ’ IGegative-
I ‘,
The debate on the above question,
Judge-Edward Bracklin.
City Clerk-Myrtle Thomas.
Treasurer-Margaret Chilson.
CityAttorneyZA1vis Morris--- ~-
Clerk of Court-Anna Roulette.
Sheriff-Simon Needham.
which was given in the Auditorium SOPHOMCfRES.
on the evening of the <lath, was the ~_ -!.6Cow-age City” O&e&
first of a series which are to be given Mayor-Roy Large.
in public at stated intervals during President of City Council--Francis
the school--year, _ =
That the young ladies who debated Judge-Oliver John.
acquitted themselves wellis acknowl-_ Clerk of Court-Cora Battice.
edged by everyone who had the Treasurer and Clerk of City Coun-
pleasure of-hTming_ them. --Eacl--- cil-Jennie Ross.
speaker proved,’ DVer self-pos-Pm Sheriff -0villa -Azure. I
session and easy command of lan- Commissioner of Park-Henry Red
guage, that she had worked hard and Owl.
conscientiously to get fat-tsbeaii-rtg Commissioner of Athletics-Geo.
upon the subject, and with pains- LaVatta.
takin~gdihgence hrmade therriher~. At~torniy-Paul Baldeagle.
own,- thus enabling her to speak in a
natural and- convi&ing manner. FRESHMAN CLASS OFFICERS.
In this the Mercers had the advan- The Freshman Class have adopted
4age; as was proved by the ~judges. tbe~eomm~ission form of government;~
‘The Susans are good losers or “true ~~ which consists of a mayor and four
sportsmen, ” andadmit with generous councilmen elected as follows:
candor that they were fairly beaten. Mayor-William Paulin, .Depart-
~Th~usdothey win’ “victory out of men-t ofI%%.
defeat, ” one of the most valuable Councilmen.-Philip Cornelius, po-
lessons which life has to teach. lice; Rob’t Weatherstone, Finande;’
Judge Wetzel presided, over the :Daniel- Plaunt, Public Safety+eon 0
meeting. ~-P~~fesSor~agner,-Super- --~ =routwe]l, .j+alth, --~.L_ . =-~_
intendent of the CarlisIecityschool~s, ~ Judge-John Gibson. ~~ ~~
Professor -Briner, principal of the City Clerk-Clemence La Traille.
High School, and Mr. Fiske Good- The Freshman Class have not yet
year acted as judges. ~~_ :mmm decided upon a name-for their city:.

_ _____ -report whi_Ch she IS preparing--does _
Declamation, Paul Baldeagle-; es- not deal with the Pueblo Indians of
say, Calvin Lamoreaux; impromptu, New’ Mexico, but -with the Yavapai
Alfred La Mont; oration, Newton of Arizona.

~~~~ THE STAbfDARDf;--
The -names-up-resented~_ member-
ship were Alex Knox, Frances_Ket-
tie, John Squirrel, C h as . Belcourt,
Joe Bernier, and Abel Greely. The
program followed: Story; Paul Bald-
eagle;* essay, Montreville Yuda; im-
promptu, J am e s Warren; oration,
Christjohn Antone.’ The d eb a t e :
-Resolved, “That circum&tances d-e;
mand the intervention of the Powers
in the war between the Balkan States
‘and Turkey. “. For the affirmative,
~~ &xi1 Richardson;-- a nd -Montretille
work. . 0
The biggest piece of job work
turned out recently was the speci-
men Presidential ballot which-~-we
printed for the school. John Gibson
hab charge of the composition -and-
was assisted by George Nash and
Charles’ Ross. Then job came in on
n~r0Ionday and was deliveremy-
Tuesday morning.
Edward Morrin, Charles Roe, Philip
Clairm6rit, Vincent Nadeaui~-P-au 1
Baldeagle, and JuanGutieuezread-
the proof on our A e w mailing list.
There are n-early 4,000 names on‘ this-
list, and it required much care to see
that every name was correctly print-
ed. The boys are to receive instruc-
tion in proof reading as part of their
training. * i

other work. Stafford Elgin, entertained the fol-
%++ - lowing--boys ln his room ou~Sun&y
Second Team Wins. . afternoon: ~~I&_ Baldeagle, Daniel
The second team went to Balti- Needham, and John Martinez.
more last Saturday to play the Mt. Some of the employees and several _ Washington .A t h 1 e t i c Club. The
score was 9 to 6 in favor of the In- of the girls will go to Harrisburg on
dians. Saturday, November 30th, ’ to- se e

fp QCarrierre !zhx@J
following officers ’ were installed:
President, Paul Baldeagle; vice-pres-.
Issued Fridays from tj-+ -Carlisle Indian Press ident, Daniel _Plaunt; secretary, Ma-
. 1- About ten months in the year. mie Richardson; sergeants-at-arms,
Aloysius Cheameau and Oliver Greg-
tWentp=fibe &ent$ @earIp ory; committee, Paul Baldeagle,
Second-class matter-so enter+ at the Post-
Robert Bruce, Rudolph Arcogne,
qffice at Carlisle, September 2. 19Q4. Margaret Chilson, Teresa Martell,
and Jan’et Pappin.
Address all communications to the paper and
they will receive ‘prompt attention. % . ‘W-P

Paul Baldeagle has gone to Quarry- giving Day- ~ .
ville, Pa., where he will attend high
school. ’ _Mrs. $‘(‘I C. Colby, one of our school

he l&,ly Name society was-called.
to order by Daniel Plaunt, the vice-
~-EC&en& Robert--BLNce qs ap-
pointed president to succeed Paul
Baldeagle, who has gone to the
Dr. Thomas C. Moffet Visits Csrlisle.
The Rev. Thomas Clinton Moffett,
of New York, superintendent of the
Presbyterian Indian missions of the
entire country, gave a most inspiring
talk in chapel Monday morning.
He spoke on, “HOW to Prepare for
Christmas.” He said that he- -did
not mean the buying of presents, but
by fostering love in our hearts for
God and our fellow-men, we should,
on this day’ of days, be at peace with
God and our neighbors.

Paul Baldeagle, who has recently
gone to work under the Outing,
writes that he is attending i-high
school at Quarryville, Pa.

head, Mass. ‘. -
.rn:.a~ l&&%‘we -sGarn Ethat pgtiIA..-~
Baldeagle, who is under the Outing
atQuarryville, Pa., gavTan addresT
on “The Indian” at Lancaster last
Wednesday afternoon.
and that government of the people, by
the people, for the people, shall not
perish from the earth.

Helpful Observations from Paul Baldeagle.
‘Paul Baldeagle, one of our Outing
students, writes to a friend from
Quarryville, Pa., as follows:
“We have some good skating, but
I have been putting in most of my time ~~~__.
reading books. I have access to such
a splendid library here that I do not
ball, which I have been playing with
the.high school team.
“I read a book entitled “Pushing
to the Front.” It is..a splendid book.
I liked two quotations from it so
much, that I am going to, pass them
over to you:
mr waitfor your opportunities,
but make them. ’
‘The word impossible is written
only in the dictionary of fools.’
“It would do for”us to follow such
quotations, _ don’t you think? I am
doing very weil in school. My lowest
mark was 87 which was in arithmetic.
“Give my kindest regards to my
classmates and urge them all to do
their best. ”

The shops' report&s are as foll;ws :; Rose Baldeagle Twiss writes from
--Porcup~a~a4she-isk-e -
ing house. m&smith, Fred
Broker: painting, Charles Harrison; -.. ms.- Minnie Billings Brant writes ---- ___. engmeer=George Mernll;camen-
that her address is Deseronto, On- ters, Willian Thayer; printers, John
tario, Canada. Gibson.

 Paul Baldeagle, who is attending
high school in Lancaster, Pa., writes
encouraging letters of his work there.
He is making good progress with his
studies. Paul is proud of the fact
that he won third prize in the Lan-caster
County Boys’ Corn Contest.
“141106 arrow

Paul Baldeagle, a senior in the
East Drunmore High School, writes
that he will come to Carlisle to
spend the holiday vacation.

“Mizpah. ”
The leader for Sunday evening,
December 2’7th, was Mr. John Gibson,
Carlisle ‘14, and now a student of
Mercersburg Academy.
The service was opened by a song,
after which the leader read from St.
John, seventeenth chapter.
Mr. Paul Baldeagle, a student in
the Lancaster High School, who is
spending his Christinas vacation at
the school, led in prayer.
Verses from the Bible were given
by David Bird, Charles Walker,
Thomas Starr, and :Edmund Whee-lock.
Mr. Isaac Greyearth,(a student at
Mt.. Herman, Mass., gave an inter-esting
talk on his own experiences.
After a few remarks from the
leader, the meeting closed with the

Friday evening the Catholics met
in Y. M. C. A. hall where they had a
short program and music by the
band. Al 1 received oranges and
candy, and a number received small
Among the visitors during Christ-mas
week were Joe Bergie, John
Allen, John Chaves, Noah Henry,
Robert Thompson, Isaac Greyearth,
John Gibson, Luther Jacobs and Paul

Paul Baldeagle is expected here
for commencement.

the Lancaster, Pa., special cor-respondence
to the Philadelphia
Press, under date of April 30, the
following mention is made of a Car-lisle
Outing student:
Among the graduates of East Dru-more
High School at the recent com-mencement
was Paul Baldeagle, a
Sioux Indian from South Dakota,
who for 25 years has been living
with the family of the Rev. George
Bucher, of Mechanic Grove. The
youth was formerly a student at
Carlisle and left that institution to
work on the Bucher farms. He soon
became a very useful farmhand, and
an expert in the handling of all kinds
of machinery.

Jesse Wofford.
With a great love for literature
and fine discrimination in the charac-ter
of books perused, at the age of
20 years he is one of the best read
residents of the lower end. He was
a most industrious student at school,
and was not only president of his
class, but valedictorian and author
of the class poem, a production of
much merit. He will now return to
Carlisle to take the examination and
will graduate from that institution
in May.
Baldeagle, as he is known to every-body,
will bemissed by the young peo-ple
of the neighborhood, as he is pop-ular
in their circles and his splendid
character and manliness has im-pressed
the palefaces of the vicinity.
The Juniors were given a demon- He hopes to be able to continue
stration on planting a garden. And his studies and eventually reach
to see how corn and beans come up Columbia University to gratify his
an experiment was made before the ambitions and become a lawyer, and
class to show how corn grows and in his longings finds inspiration in
how it fights its way up through the the achievements of many men with
soil. Outlines for special work in Indian’blood in their veins who today
that line were also given the class occupy high position in political,
for study and practice. Next will commercial, legal and athletic activ-be
given an experiment on osmosis. ities of our country.

PauI Baldeagle was not only vale-dictorian
of his class at East Dru-more,
buthe alsowrote theclasssong.

BY Madella Anderson.
Sarah Monteith led the meeting
and read from the scriptures the
eighth chapter of Proverbs.
Julia Frechette offered a prayer.
*Miss Stilly gave an interesting
talk pertaining to Y. W. C. A. work
in general.
The rest of the evening was de-voted
to an illustrated talk on Eagles
Mere, given by Paul Baldeagle.

In the evening there was a Union
Meeting of the Christian Associa-tions,
also h el d in the auditorium.
The opening number was a cornet
and trombone duet by two members
of the graduating class, Ovilla Azure
and Michael Wilkie. Paul Baldeagle,
another member of the class, gave
Monday at three o’clock there was
played on Indian Field a champion-
the invocation.