MIDI Guitar Axon Page

Axon AX 100 Information

The latest guitar to midi converter from Blue Chip Music is the Axon AX 100. This is their fastest unit ever and may be the fastest midi guitar controller for normally strung guitars.

Because of their unique system and customer focus, Axon has more expressive options available in the AX 100 than any other current guitar synth for normal guitars. (I say this because the Starr Switch Co. builds in incredible features in their switch-driven guitar interface).

The Axon 100 allows string splits, fret splits, and pick position splits or continuous controller changes. The third is the most powerful if you have a synth that can handle it. For example, in a Proteus 1 by e-mu, you can make a patch that crossfades from one timbre to another as you change a continuous controller (cc) value. It could switch from piano to strings, or add Leslie to an organ patch, or be as simple as change the volume. The point is, you can build a patch, and then use this just from where you pick between the bridge and fretboard. This opens up possibilities similar to the 8mb stereo killer piano patches available for the K2000.


A Yamaha XG soundboard is an option.

Pickup Options:

AIX-101 hexaphonic pickup

They also have the AIX-103 for Bass. The Axon will also work for bass.

hexaphonic bridge pickup for nylon and steel strung acoustic guitars

AIX-110 electronics are available for bridge pickups

AIX-210 electronics are available for Godin guitars using RMC pickups

NewsFlash: even with the electronics, some Godin users playing with nylon strings report that they do not work well with the Axon. e-mail me for the latest info.

Axon 100 literature (pdf, 239k) and Axon 100 operator's manual (pdf, 915k) courtesy of Blue Chip Music.

For more details, visit the Axon home page . They have the details on how they neural nets and detect picking transients.

Dealers on the Internet

Manny's Music


We at midiguitar want to help you tweak the best out of your system. If you have any questions, drop us an e-line.

Note: All links are presented for academic enlightenment. Have fun!

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