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Extensions of /who

/who can be used to look for users whose information match a specified pattern that can contain wildcards. You can thus use "/who *" to look for EPIX users on IRC.

By default, the client will try to match on any information available about the user. Some clients allow options to precise what you are looking for. You would then use "/who -option pattern". Options can be :

The switches may be abbreviated unambiguously.

Listing people on channels

You may list people on certain channels by issuing the "/names pattern" command, where pattern is used to match channel names and may contain wildcards.

The following restrictions may be added :

Client To Client Protocol

The Client To Client Protocol was designed to query information directly from a user's client.

Not all clients recognize the same set of queries. You may use "/CTCP nick CLIENTINFO" to know what commands a user's client recognizes. "/CTCP nick CLIENINFO command" to know more about that command.

Among common query types are version, finger, time and userinfo.

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