WORKSHOP MEETING – September 23, 2014



Meeting was called to order at 7:00


Those in attendance:  Roy Keiper, Ed Wall, John George, Priscilla Keeney, Abe Brister


In looking at the 2015 Budget, the following comments were made:


Ø      Litchfield has a used grader for sale, they are buying a new one. Some discussion regarding the problems with our current grader, etc., and thoughts on purchasing Litchfield’s old one.

Ø      GMC needs to be replaced

Ø      Possibility of providing uniforms for road department and floor mats by the doors. Priscilla will look into getting some prices.

Ø      Discussion regarding the number of Road Department employees to plan for. It was felt that, ideally, there would be 2 full-time employees, and 1 part-time employee.


Status of utilizing the Inmate program to do some brush clearing. Ed Wall will be the overseer of the program for the Township. He will contact the assistant warden to coordinate the best week to do this.


LTAP Training Classes were discussed. Abe Brister will attend Winter Maintenance training on October 20th and Ed Wall will attend the Road Surface Management on October 21st.


Flood Plain Ordinance – Supervisors are still open but not ready to make a decision.


Meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m.


Respectfully Submitted,


Priscilla Keeney




       ________________________                 _______________________              ______________________

            John P. George                                         Roy A. Keiper                                            Edward J. Wall