Rome Township Special Meeting

March 4, 2014


Attendees: John George, Roy Keiper, Priscilla Keeney,



Dennis Thomas, Raymond Jones, Ed Wall, Robert Beebe, Jen & Rick Chilson



The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m.


The purpose of this special meeting was to interview the candidates and fill the supervisor position vacancy.


Roy Keiper read the letters of interest from Dennis Thomas and Ed Wall. Mr. Keiper asked several questions of the candidates.


John George made the motion to appoint Ed Wall to fill the supervisor vacancy, Roy Keiper seconded, all agreed, motion carried.


Roy Keiper thanked Mr. Thomas for his time and interest and encouraged the participation of interested parties to use their talents to help the supervisors carry out tasks around the township.




John George made the motion to adjourn, Roy Keiper seconded, all agreed, motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:15 p.m.




Respectfully Submitted,



Priscilla Keeney

Secretary Treasurer


__________________________            ______________________    ____ ____________________                             

                                                    Roy Keiper                              John P. George